Improve Facets mutation handling

MichelDiz commented :

RFC: Improve Facets with Upsert Block

I think that the upsert would be very useful.

e.g - Here we copy rating, something, and somethingElse and add 2 new values to the facet.

upsert {
      query {
        me(func: eq(email, "")) {
          v as uid
          edge as someEdge @facets(r as rating, t as something, e as somethingElse)
      mutation {
          set {
            uid(v) <someEdge> uid(edge) (weight=0.1, updated_at=2019-06-02T13:01:09, val(r), val(t), val(e)) .

We could have a “Spread operator” (Recurse) to save time. In some cases that there are many values in facets.

upsert {
      query {
        me(func: eq(email, "")) {
          v as uid
          edge as someEdge @facets(r as ...)
      mutation {
          set {
            uid(v) <someEdge> uid(edge) (weight=0.1, updated_at=2019-06-02T13:01:09, val(r)) .

The three dots would be the operator (r as ...). It will copy and paste the previous values together with the new values.