Schema migration default values for fields

So we would have three options here going forward:

Option A:

directive @default(value: AllowedTypes!) on FIELD_DEFINITION

type Foo {
   bar: String! @default(value: "helloworld")

Generated mutation:

type Mutation {
   addFoo(bar: String): Foo #note that bar is optional

If no bar is specified when adding new nodes (or for existing nodes that didn’t have this field), the query:

query {
   queryFoo {

will return:

   QueryFoo: [
         bar: "helloworld"
         bar: "helloworld"

Option B:

directive @default(value: AllowedTypes!) on FIELD
type Foo {
   bar: String!


query {
   queryFoo {
      bar @default(value: "lol")

This would allow for more flexibility (i.e. different default values in different environments).

Option C:
Both! Combine the ease of mind of Option A with the flexibility of Option B. We just have to figure out good names for the directives then.


@pawan did you have time to discuss this internally?