Announcing - easy-dgraph: Create DGraph GraphQL on the Fly!

easy-dgraph - HUGE UPDATE!


After Spending the last 5 days debugging, I feel like I have finally completley got this thing up and running where it really is something special.

Working Examples - I have ran 37 working unit tests with every example you can think of that is possible with the current Dgraph configuration. The bugs have been knocked out!

If you find any example that does not work as expected, simplify it, and post it here and I will get on it!

I got all possibilities the current working Dgraph can do, now I may start working on more things Dgraph does not do out of the box…

Just a taste…

const d = new Dgraph('task').query({
  tom: 1
}).cascade('name', 'me').first(5).offset(2).build();


query { queryTask(first: 5, offset: 2) @cascade(fields: ["name", "me"]) { tom } }

Yes, that includes:

(Read those last two again if you know how complicated those chains are…)

Todo list (maybe?):

  • Deep Deletes (Cascade Deletes) - Probably work on this soon, would specify field(s)
  • Deep Mutation Updates (Multiple Levels)
  • Aggregate Counts with Filters
  • Multiple Set Inputs
  • Nested Filters

When I have specific needs for these features, I will probably write them for this package. I am going to write a separate feature request on some things I learned about deep and nested items…

Please let me know your experience with this current version and later (1.50)…



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