Consult a query in dgraph

What I want to do

how can i get ip in query?

  var (func: type(Machine)) @filter(eq(ip,"")){
        server_node as ~SERVICE_on 
  var (func: uid(server_node)) {
      docker_ip as ip
      ~SERVICE_on {
        skip_app as ~HAVE_groups
  query(func: uid(skip_app)){

The above query statement can only get app_name.
The node relationship is as follows:
Machine <— Docker <— group <— app
IP in machine
ip in Docker and the app_name in app

Dgraph metadata

dgraph version


I have made a couple assumptions about your data but how about this?

  q(func: type(Machine)) @filter(eq(ip,"")) @normalize {
    machine_ip: ip
    ~SERVICE_on {
      docker_ip: docker_ip
      ~HAVE_groups {
        app_name: app_name

you have docker_ip and app_name on the same level in your version, so I added normalize to do that here - it can be removed if that is not a requirement.

(edit: also did not know if you truly meant two SERVICE_on edges. If so, you can add it back there)