Crash replicas and recover

Can you help me, how I can get logs when I start dgraph server on Windows 10?

I use mutation from tour:

When I destroy the first replica. It’s ok. Then a new leader is chosen.
It’s two replicas on. If I destroyed leader. I got mistakes.
But if leader on last server, it’s ok too.
Then I destroy all.
After that, I try this algorithm:

I deleting Lock from zeroCluster and start zero server
dgraph zero --my=localhost:5080 --replicas 3 -w zeroCluster

I deleting Lock from server0 p&w and start server0
dgraph server --my=localhost:7080 --lru_mb=3512 --zero=localhost:5080 -o 0 -p server0/p -w server0/w

I’m deleting Lock from server1 p&w and start server1
dgraph server --my=localhost:7081 --lru_mb=3512 --zero=localhost:5080 -o 1 -p server1/p -w server1/w

I’m deleting Lock from server2 p&w and start server2
dgraph server --my=localhost:7082 --lru_mb=3512 --zero=localhost:5080 -o 2 -p server2/p -w server2/w

And all ok ))

Can I manually change a leader from one to another host?