Current and Future State of Windows Support

Have you thought about using Apollo state management? or pouchdb, lowdb, or even SQLite. Those are DBs for that purpose. Dgraph is meant to be a cluster, therefore a server-based only. I think the Apollo State fits well this case. It can (theoretically) sync with Dgraph’s GraphQL.

That’s a point against Windows Licenses right? With Dgraph Cloud or Slash, you pay only for a single license (dgraph’s license). But for Windows, you have to pay for Microsoft’s license too. Proprietary software with a close source is good for big and well-established companies, but not so well for startups. (BTW, talking about server licensing).

The numbers are against it. Our telemetry says that a very thin portion of the users uses Windows and nothing* on prod. And we don’t have the bandwidth to keep up supporting Windows as before. Sorry.

If the telemetry starts to ramp up, who knows.
