Dgraph-js does not offer graceful way to failover client endpoints/stubs

Interesting, are you using a single cluster across continents or they are all individuals clusters per continent? if so, can you share your experience with this? seems complicated to deal. As Dgraph treats each node part of a single structure. And perhaps the idea of upgrading “parts” of the cluster can be dangerous if a single breaking thing is added as a feature.

That’s a kind of experience that others might like to read. For example this experience Transitioning from a Relational DB to a Graph DB

Dgraph does this internally. It talks to all nodes and “keep in touch” to see who he can count on. Also, the Alphas now supports multiple zeros. It means if your main zero is down, it could try to reach others to keep the cluster healthy.

About this, on the client-side. I had commented this internally some time ago. Following my own bias, I think this is an important behave, not just for possible overseas configurations.

My idea was something like

const clientStub = new dgraph.DgraphClientStub(

Dgraph does it internally. The first Alpha you hit, will try to reach other Alphas, and the first one who responded will be who serves. If you need to know how it works check this video out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg4rlmabevM&t=2s

I’m not sure, but he should support it. For example, Liveloader, is able to receive multiple Alphas addresses separated by comma and it will connect to all and send mutations to them. This pattern should be possible in the client javascript.

I mean, you should be able to create a “liveloader” in JS and have the same behavior it has in the golang version. But obviously, it wouldn’t have the same performance.