Error when trying to use CLI to update Lambdas

I am having this same problem:

npm i -g slash-graphql


slash-graphql login MYEMAIL MYPASSWORD


slash-graphql update-lambda -e MYENDPOINT -f MY-LAMBDAS-JSFILE

and I get this error:

TypeError: first argument must be a string or instance of Error

So I try logging out like so:

slash-graphql logout

and I get this:

Error: Could not log you out. Please try logging in with `slash-graphql login`, then try invalidating all clients with `slash-graphql logout -a

so I try that:

slash-graphql logout -a

and it HANGS, no response after minutes without pressing CTRL + C…

I should note that slash-graphql update-lambda does not work with a token, and requires a login in the first place.

Now, I just need to logout. No idea how to do that. Re-logging-in does nothing. I suspect this is an issue on Windows, and may work fine in a Unix environment.

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