Insert become slow until can't insert

lxwithgod commented :

i don’t konw why,so i wait until 1.0

manishrjain commented :

There’s not enough information here for us to reproduce this. Maybe @janardhan1993 can have a look, and see if we should try and figure what’s going on here.

deepakjois commented :

I have now run the java client code against a dgraph server in EC2 for 24 hours without any interruption. I have not encountered any errors. I think we can safely rule out that this is a problem related to the Java client.

janardhan1993 commented :

@lxwithgod: Can you please try again with the master build.

lxwithgod commented :

@janardhan1993 :i don’t know build the project,i never use,i use curl -sSf |,can you help me?

lxwithgod commented :


janardhan1993 commented :

I will update this thread once we publish the binary for master. You can then use the binary directly.

lxwithgod commented :

thanks @janardhan1993

janardhan1993 commented :

@lxwithgod : I have triggered the nightly build. Please use curl -sSf | bash after 1 hour to get the latest binary.

deepakjois commented :

@lxwithgod : you might need to use the latest java client code from master if you are going to use the nightly build of dgraph. We havent made a new release, but there are quite a few changes in the master branch.

lxwithgod commented :

server have not broken,but,when i write data until 189*30000,data can’t be writen.

lxwithgod commented :

query slow,about 16s.

janardhan1993 commented :

Sorry, we need to fix one more issue. I will test the performance and trigger another binary build.

janardhan1993 commented :

@lxwithgod : Can you please try now with latest nightly build. Btw is it possible to share your data, may be you can mask confidential data and share a subset.

lxwithgod commented :

ok,i try it.
i use the cell phone number as node.

lxwithgod commented :

2017/11/30 14:19:37 groups.go:300: Asking if I can serve tablet for: phone
2017/11/30 14:24:01 groups.go:300: Asking if I can serve tablet for: dummy
the number of data reach 10 million.

janardhan1993 commented :

@lxwithgod : What happened after it reached 10 million ?

lxwithgod commented :

server crash.but i don’t use index.

janardhan1993 commented :

can you share your code ?

lxwithgod commented :

package driver;

import com.dataPlatform.protobuf.ByteString;
import com.dataPlatform.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException;
import io.dgraph.DgraphClient;
import io.dgraph.DgraphProto;
import tool.Json;
import tool.Log;

import java.util.


  • Created by lx on 17-11-20.
    public class DgraphDiver extends DgraphBaseDriver{
    final static Log log=Log.newInstance(DgraphDiver.class);

    private Object mutate(Object… args){
    DgraphClient.Transaction transaction = driver.newTransaction();
    try {

         DgraphProto.Assigned rs = transaction.mutate((DgraphProto.Mutation) args[0]);
         return rs;
     }catch (Exception e) {
         return null;
     }finally {


    public Object client(Object args){
    return driver;


    public Object update(Object… args) {
    DgraphProto.Mutation mu =
    return mutate(mu);

    public Object create(Object… args) {
    DgraphProto.Mutation mu =
    return mutate(mu);

    public Object retrieve(Object… args) {
    try {
    if(args.length==1) {

             return driver.newTransaction().query((String) args[0])
         }else {
             return driver.newTransaction().queryWithVars((String) args[0],(Map)args[1])
     }catch (Exception e) {
         return null;


    public Object delete(Object… args) {
    DgraphProto.Mutation mu =
    return mutate(mu);

    public void setSchema(String schema){
    DgraphProto.Operation op = DgraphProto.Operation

    public static void main(String args) throws IOException {
    DgraphDiver dgraphDriver = new DgraphDiver();
    // dgraphDriver.driver.alter(DgraphProto.Operation.newBuilder().setDropAll(true).build());
    // dgraphDriver.setSchema(“phone:string@index(exact) .”);
    // dgraphDriver.setSchema(“call:uid@count @reverse .”);
    String phone_path="/media/lx/0c430a79-8c39-4d87-865a-b54bb8d4f738/idealProjects/gxwl/phone_distinct_2";
    BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(phone_path));
    String line=null;

     LinkedList<Map> phones=new LinkedList<>();
     int i=0;
     while ((line=bf.readLine())!=null){
         String phone=line;
         if(!phone.contains("*") && phone.length()==11){
             LinkedHashMap<String,String> js=new LinkedHashMap<>();

// dgraphDriver.setSchema(“phone:string @index(exact) .”);
// dgraphDriver.setSchema(“call: uid @count @reverse .”);

// DgraphClient.Transaction transaction = dgraphDriver.driver.newTransaction();
// String nqs="<0x120><0x119>.";
// DgraphProto.Mutation mutation = DgraphProto.Mutation.newBuilder()
// .setSetNquads(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(
// nqs))
// .build();
// transaction.mutate(mutation);
// transaction.commit();

