Is it possible to clone a node in one transaction?

Hi @MiLeung
Unfortunately, there is no direct clone function supported yet. You could explore the upsert block.

In this example, I was able to “clone” a string and an int value. However the upsert has to be run twice (explained below).
Source Data:

    _:a <name> "andy" .
    _:a <age> "30" .

Upsert Block
This needs to be run twice; once to create and link a clone node, and in the second run, clone the value themselves. In order to yield a single scalar value for respective attributes from the source, I had to use an aggregate function.

    source as var(func:uid(<0xc>)){
      clone as clonedTo

    clonedFrom(func: uid(clone)){
        a as age
        n1 as name
      x as max(val(a))
      xn as max(val(n1))
  mutation {
      uid(source) <clonedTo> uid(clone) .
      uid(clone) <name> val(xn) .
      uid(clone) <age> val(x) .

There is worked out solution here for edges in a data merging context here. Please review that as well.

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