Is there a way of assigning a UID to a field with type string OR can I sort the parent node by an edge UID in GraphQL?

I found the solution. Totally forgot about @cascade. :see_no_evil: I can implement a Node interface to all types (or at least the types I want to be referencable by Sorting). Sorting then references to Node and I a combination of @cascade on Sorting and @filter on contextRef does the job.

Additionally, introducing the Node interface and applying it to all types has additional advantages in case you use Relay. I’ve wrote a post about this in case someone is interested

Full example

 interface Node {
  id: ID!

interface Sortable {
  id: ID!
  sortings: [Sorting!]!

type Sorting {
  id: ID!
  sequence: Int!
  contextRef: Node!

type Course implements Node {
  id: ID!
  title: String!
  chapters: [Chapter!]

type Chapter implements Sortable {
  id: ID!
  title: String!
  # from Sortable
  # sortings: [Sorting!]!
Filtered query
query CourseQuery($id: ID!) {
  queryCourse(filter: { id: [$id] }) {
    chapters {
      sortings @cascade(fields: ["contextRef"]) {
        contextRef(filter: { id: [$id] }) {