New to Dgraph? DQL vs. GraphQL, Endpoints, Headers, and Schema Translation

I really believe we need two things here:

  1. A compiled list in a more official place (not discord) of common gotchas when working with Dgraph. This should include side by side between GraphQL and Dgraph and links to any possible work arounds. I began compiling some notes for this idea.

I would like to put this also beside SQL, Gremlin, Cypher, others(?) with links to how it is done in each language sort of building out more from GraphQL Syntax - Courses which does some quick side by sides with SQL/GraphQL

  1. A followup on: GraphQL vs DQL - Dgraph Blog to go more in depth with the differences like expand, normalize, var blocks, missing functions, upserts, interfaces, unions, lambdas, reverse vs. hasInverse, and maybe others not on the top of my head right now, oh like the upcoming new feature of defaults.

Then #1 can link to #2

This would also go a long way to help newcomers with “I know how to do in , but how do I do that in Dgraph?” And then also lead people quickly to you have to use X work around, or this is pending Y feature under development/RFC, or you can only do this with Z limitations/conditions.