Query help: how to get everyone don't know

  1. The first query won’t work. Cuz the variable doesn’t propagate well in multiple level querying.
  2. The second one would be the right approach. But you should limit it for a single user. Not 3 or more. Cuz Dgraph injects all users found in “knows_uid” from all users found. Unless you wanna this behave.

I have written about the first issue here Promise a nested block (under construction - I'm still working in the use case)

For the second one, I think a loop might help there FOREACH func in DQL (loops in Bulk Upsert)

What do you mean? collect a list of users and then use them to filter? your first query is collecting users in a different way. If you wanna use a list of users as a parameter, this should be a separate block with its constraints and then you can use it in the target block. But I feel like that’s not what you mean.

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