Query sever timestamps in GraphQL?

As much as I want this feature (not as much as basic @auth fixes, deep mutations / deletes, and nested filters), this is one of the ONLY good things with the Lambda Webooks (which is post, not pre processing).


You could easily use:

async function addAuthorWebhook({event, dql, graphql, authHeader}) {

  // add createdAt to to Author node
  const createdAt = new Date().toISOString();

  const results = await graphql('mutation { addAuthor { ... ')
  return results.data.addAuthor.author;

async function updateAuthorWebhook({event, dql, graphql, authHeader}) {
  // add updatedAt to Author node, will automatically replace anything
  // if anyone tries to manually update this
  const updatedAt = new Date().toISOString();
 // I am lazy, so you have to do some more research for the specifics here...
 // but hopefully you get this gist

While you can secure updatedAt, you cannot completely secure createdAt, as it can be changed by anyone at anytime.

Unfortunately, until the update-after-bug is taken seriously, this is yet another case where dgraph is lacking basic security functionality.