Reading uncommitted writes in a single transaction

Well, Dgraph can do mutations and queries(like upsert) in the transaction context. But I don’t think that you can self query it “on the fly” you know? You can query only existing data in the cluster(that’s what an Upsert Block does. It uses the transaction context in one batch). You can’t open an transaction, then mutate and then query for it in without committing. This could be possible, but I don’t see why. You can control this way before deciding to send to the DB. Unless your need is to hold the transaction for days/weeks open. Which also doesn’t make sense in a DB transaction logic. Right?

I saw this question this year. (I found it Query a node after insert without commit using the same transaction) - See my comment(the solution one).

I think these things like roll back, handling the transaction on the fly and so on could be a thing in the future. But this sounds more like perfumery than actual necessity. Please, correct me if I’m wrong.