Real inverse relation on GraphQL schema

I guess that some guidance to bulk import using graphql would be nice.

Unfortunately today I also discovered that is not possible to use the reverse edge solution combined with interfaces.

type Object {
   ownedBy: Person @dgraph(pred: "Object.owner")

type BusinessMan implements Person {
  companyName: String

interface Person {
    name: String
    owns: [Object] @dgraph(pred: "~Object.owner")

Leads to an error because when Car is expanded it expect “ownedBy”'s edge to be an edge of type BusinessMan

couldn't rewrite mutation updateGQLSchema because input:1: Type Object; Field ownedBy: should be of type BusinessMan to be compatible with @dgraph reverse directive but is of type Person.\n

Honestly i feel like interfaces present way too much issue when trying to use the full potential of dgraph combining GraphQL+/- and GraphQL