Upsert with multiple UIDs

This is something we miss too. We are considering getting this back IMPORTANT: new behavior for expand, deprecation of _forward_ and _reverse_.

Consider adding the following to the schema and then try expand(_all_):

type Product {
  productId: string
  options: [Option]

type Option {
  optionId: string
  color: string

You will also have attach these types to corresponding nodes. For example, you upsert should look like this now -

        uid(productsUid) <products> uid(productUid) .
        uid(productsUid) <dgraph.type> "Product" .
        uid(productUid) <productId> "10888870" .
        uid(productUid) <options> uid(optionUid) .
        uid(optionUid) <dgraph.type> "Option" .
        uid(optionUid) <color> "red" .
        uid(optionUid) <optionId> "16818278" .

Once you add these types and attach them to nodes, expand(_all_) should work. You can read more about type system here Get started with Dgraph.