Dgraph4j java client first connect alpha is too slow

Posted by Willem520:

every time, when I used dgraph4j to connect alpha, it take too much time to get result in first time,but then ,it was normal, there is any problem in dgraph4j? I used java client

campoy commented :

I wonder if @gitlw could have a look at this issue too.

In the meantime, could you give more information on the query you’re performing @Willem520?

Is the database already running before you connect to it, or do you also start it at the same time as you are trying to connect?

campoy commented :

PS: I migrated this issue to dgraph-io/dgraph4j.

Willem520 commented :

yes, it was already before I used it.

when I first used this method, the log was
======minCost:385237379 ns, maxCost:385237379 ns, avgCost:497530185 ns
second was
======minCost:12390223 ns, maxCost:12390223 ns, avgCost:12948185 ns
third was
======minCost:8883041 ns, maxCost:8883041 ns, avgCost:9232029 ns
it always took too much time in first time.
I used dgraph4j v1.7.5 and v2.0.1, got the same result.
Is there any wrong in my use?

Willem520 commented :

I executed a simple mutation,it also took too much time in first time

campoy commented :

Hey @mangalaman93 , could you have a look since you worked recently on this client?


mangalaman93 commented :

@Willem520 Could you point me to GraphUtil code? The connection setup code is executed by grpc and not written by us in the client. Just want to make sure that the Util code has simple logic too. I was also wondering whether you restart the application between each run?

Willem520 commented :

@mangalaman93 hi,this is the code

public class GraphUtil {
    public static final String LOG_FORMAT = "******[%s] cost: %s";
    public static final String UID_FORMAT = "{\n"
                                          + " one(func: eq(%s, \"%s\")){\n"
                                          + "  uid\n"
                                          + " }\n"
                                          + "}\n";

    public static DgraphClient buildDgraphClient(List<String> ipPorts) throws Exception {
        if (ipPorts == null || ipPorts.isEmpty()) {
            throw new Exception("init dgraphClient occur error");
        return new DgraphClient(buildDgraphStub(ipPorts));

    public static DgraphAsyncClient buildDgraphAsyncClient(List<String> ipPorts) throws Exception {
        if (ipPorts == null || ipPorts.isEmpty()) {
            throw new Exception("init dgraphAsyncClient occur error");
        return new DgraphAsyncClient(buildDgraphStub(ipPorts));

    private static DgraphGrpc.DgraphStub[] buildDgraphStub(List<String> ipPorts) {
        DgraphGrpc.DgraphStub[] dgraphStubs = new DgraphGrpc.DgraphStub[ipPorts.size()];

        ClientInterceptor timeoutInterceptor = new ClientInterceptor() {
            public <ReqT, RespT> ClientCall<ReqT, RespT> interceptCall(
                    MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT> method, CallOptions callOptions, Channel next) {
                return next.newCall(method, callOptions.withDeadlineAfter(30000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));

        ipPorts.stream().map(ipPort -> {
            ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forTarget(ipPort).usePlaintext().build();
            return DgraphGrpc.newStub(channel).withInterceptors(timeoutInterceptor);
        return dgraphStubs;

    public static String getUid(DgraphClient dgraphClient, String gid, String value) {
        Transaction txn = dgraphClient.newReadOnlyTransaction();
        String uid = "";
        try {
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            DgraphProto.Response response = txn.query(String.format(UID_FORMAT, gid, value));
            TimeCost uidCost = latency2Cost(response.getLatency());
            uidCost.setClientCost(System.nanoTime() - start);
            JSONObject dataJson = JSON.parseObject(response.getJson().toStringUtf8());
            JSONArray dataArr = dataJson.getJSONArray("one");
            if (!dataArr.isEmpty()) {
                if (dataArr.size() > 1){
                    log.warn(String.format("======[%s:%s] require unique", gid,
                uid = dataArr.getJSONObject(0).getString("uid");
            logTimeCost("getUid", uidCost);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
        return uid;

    public static String getUid(Transaction txn, String gid, String value) {
        String uid = "";
        try {
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            DgraphProto.Response response = txn.query(String.format(UID_FORMAT, gid, value));
            TimeCost uidCost = latency2Cost(response.getLatency());
            uidCost.setClientCost(System.nanoTime() - start);
            JSONObject dataJson = JSON.parseObject(response.getJson().toStringUtf8());
            JSONArray dataArr = dataJson.getJSONArray("one");
            if (!dataArr.isEmpty()) {
                if (dataArr.size() > 1){
                    log.warn(String.format("======[%s:%s] require unique", gid,
                uid = dataArr.getJSONObject(0).getString("uid");
            logTimeCost("getUid", uidCost);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return uid;

    public static TimeCost commitMutate(DgraphClient dgraphClient, JSONArray mutateArr) {
        TimeCost timeCost = new TimeCost();
        if (mutateArr.isEmpty()) {
            return timeCost;
        Transaction txn = dgraphClient.newTransaction();
        try {
            DgraphProto.Mutation.Builder builder = DgraphProto.Mutation.newBuilder();
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            DgraphProto.Response response = txn.mutate(builder.build());
            //去掉commit会报错io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: ABORTED: Transaction has been aborted. Please retry
            start = System.nanoTime() - start;
            timeCost = latency2Cost(response.getLatency());
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
        logTimeCost("mutate", timeCost);
        return timeCost;

    public static JSONObject buildMutate(int id){
        JSONObject nodeObj = new JSONObject();
        nodeObj.put("gid", "people" + id);
        nodeObj.put("name", "people" + id);
        nodeObj.put("label", "people");

        JSONObject edgeObj = new JSONObject();
        edgeObj.put("gid", "house" + id);
        edgeObj.put("name", "house" + id);
        edgeObj.put("label", "house");

        nodeObj.put("houses", edgeObj);
        return nodeObj;

    public static TimeCost commitQueryMutate(DgraphClient dgraphClient, JSONArray idArr) {
        TimeCost timeCost = new TimeCost();
        JSONArray mutateArr = new JSONArray();
        if (idArr.isEmpty()) {
            return timeCost;
        Transaction txn = dgraphClient.newTransaction();
        try {
            for (int i=0; i<idArr.size(); i++){
            DgraphProto.Mutation.Builder builder = DgraphProto.Mutation.newBuilder();
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            DgraphProto.Response response = txn.mutate(builder.build());
            start = System.nanoTime() - start;
            timeCost = latency2Cost(response.getLatency());
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
        logTimeCost("mutate", timeCost);
        return timeCost;

    private static JSONObject buildQueryMutate(Transaction txn, int id) {
        String nodeGid = "people"+id;
        String edgeGid = "house"+id;
        String peopleUid = getUid(txn,"gid", nodeGid);
        String houseUid = getUid(txn,"gid", edgeGid);

        JSONObject nodeObj = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject edgeObj = new JSONObject();
        if (peopleUid.length() > 0){
            nodeObj.put("uid", peopleUid);
        nodeObj.put("gid", "people" + id);
        nodeObj.put("label", "people");
        nodeObj.put("name", "people" + id);
        if (houseUid.length() > 0) {
            edgeObj.put("uid", houseUid);
        edgeObj.put("gid", "house" + id);
        edgeObj.put("label", "house");
        edgeObj.put("name", "house" + id);
        nodeObj.put("houses", edgeObj);
        return nodeObj;

    public static TimeCost asyncCommitMutate(DgraphAsyncClient dgraphAsyncClient, JSONArray nodeArr) {
        TimeCost timeCost = new TimeCost();
        if (nodeArr.isEmpty()) {
            return timeCost;
        AsyncTransaction txn = dgraphAsyncClient.newTransaction();
        try {
            DgraphProto.Mutation.Builder builder = DgraphProto.Mutation.newBuilder();
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            CompletableFuture<DgraphProto.Response> response = txn.mutate(builder.build());
            DgraphProto.Latency latency = response.get().getLatency();
            start = System.nanoTime() - start;
            timeCost = latency2Cost(latency);

        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
        logTimeCost("asyncMutate", timeCost);
        return timeCost;

    public static TimeCost commitQuery(DgraphClient dgraphClient, String query, Map<String, String> params) {
        Transaction txn = dgraphClient.newReadOnlyTransaction();
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        DgraphProto.Response response = txn.queryWithVars(query, params);
        start = System.nanoTime() - start;
        TimeCost timeCost = latency2Cost(response.getLatency());
        logTimeCost("query", timeCost);
        return timeCost;

    public static TimeCost asyncCommitQuery(DgraphAsyncClient dgraphAsyncClient, String query, Map<String, String> params) {
        TimeCost timeCost = new TimeCost();
        AsyncTransaction asyncTxn = dgraphAsyncClient.newReadOnlyTransaction();
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            CompletableFuture<DgraphProto.Response> response = asyncTxn.queryWithVars(query, params);
            DgraphProto.Latency latency = response.get().getLatency();
            start = System.nanoTime() - start;
            timeCost = latency2Cost(latency);
        } catch (Exception e){
        logTimeCost("asyncQuery", timeCost);
        return timeCost;

    public static TimeCost commitUpsert(DgraphClient dgraphClient, String query, Map<String, String> params, JSONArray nodeArr){
        TimeCost timeCost = new TimeCost();
        if (nodeArr.isEmpty()) {
            return timeCost;
        Transaction txn = dgraphClient.newTransaction();
        try {
            DgraphProto.Mutation.Builder builder = DgraphProto.Mutation.newBuilder();
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            DgraphProto.Request request =
            DgraphProto.Response response = txn.doRequest(request);
            start = System.nanoTime() - start;
            timeCost = latency2Cost(response.getLatency());
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
        logTimeCost("upsert", timeCost);
        return timeCost;

    public static JSONObject buildUpsert(String nodeGid, String edgeGid) {
        JSONObject nodeObj = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject edgeObj = new JSONObject();

        nodeObj.put("uid", "uid(node" + nodeGid + ")");
        nodeObj.put("gid", nodeGid);
        nodeObj.put("name", nodeGid);
        nodeObj.put("label", "people");

        edgeObj.put("uid", "uid(edge" + edgeGid + ")");
        edgeObj.put("gid", edgeGid);
        edgeObj.put("name", edgeGid);
        edgeObj.put("label", "house");

        nodeObj.put("houses", edgeObj);
        return nodeObj;

    private static TimeCost latency2Cost(DgraphProto.Latency latency) {
        long parsingNs = latency.getParsingNs();
        long processingNs = latency.getProcessingNs();
        long encodingNs = latency.getEncodingNs();
        long totalNs = parsingNs + processingNs + encodingNs;
        return new TimeCost(0,totalNs, totalNs,totalNs, 0, 0, 0);

    public static void logTimeCost(String op, TimeCost timeCost){
        log.info(String.format(LOG_FORMAT, op, JSONObject.toJSONString(timeCost)));

    public static TimeCost mergeTimeCost(TimeCost timeCost1, TimeCost timeCost2) {
        Long maxServer = timeCost1.getMaxServerCost();
        Long minServer = timeCost1.getMinServerCost();
        Long maxClient = timeCost1.getMaxClientCost();
        Long minClient = timeCost1.getMinClientCost();

        Long maxServer2 = timeCost2.getMaxServerCost();
        Long minServer2 = timeCost2.getMinServerCost();
        Long maxClient2 = timeCost2.getMaxClientCost();
        Long minClient2 = timeCost2.getMinClientCost();

        if (maxServer < maxServer2){
            maxServer = maxServer2;
        if (minServer > minServer2){
            minServer = minServer2;

        if (maxClient < maxClient2){
            maxClient = maxClient2;
        if (minClient > minClient2){
            minClient = minClient2;

        Long clientCost = timeCost1.getClientCost() + timeCost2.getClientCost();
        Long serverCost = timeCost1.getServerCost() + timeCost2.getServerCost();
        return new TimeCost(0L, minServer, maxServer, serverCost, minClient, maxClient, clientCost);
and the TimeCost is just a simple Java bean

mangalaman93 commented :

@Willem520 I am looking into this issue. There is code missing for TimeCost class and this code does’t compile. I can’t figure what json library are you importing.

One possible explanation could be that the second time the existing connection is reused and that reduces the overall time taken.

Willem520 commented :

@Willem520 I am looking into this issue. There is code missing for TimeCost class and this code does’t compile. I can’t figure what json library are you importing.

One possible explanation could be that the second time the existing connection is reused and that reduces the overall time taken.

I used fastjson jar by alibaba. I think when it first connect to dgraph, maybe it would need init some resource(eg threadpool). and then these resources can reused.

thx very much for your answer

Willem520 commented :

public class TimeCost { private long totalCost; private long minServerCost; private long maxServerCost; private long serverCost; private long minClientCost; private long maxClientCost; private long clientCost; }
this is the timeCost class, it is a pojo with get() and set()

mangalaman93 commented :


On further investigation, I realize that time first iteration loads libraries dynamically, links native methods which slows it down. First iteration onwards, all the libraries are loaded and time taken reduces significantly. This is expected and no change is required in the library.


JVM Options: -verbose:class -verbose:jni -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintCompilation

When we run the program, it prints out all the libraries that are loaded dynamically and all the native methods that are linked dynamically. Next comment has an example output. We print loop iteration before each iteration and time taken when iteration is complete. You could observe that a number of libraries are loaded in the first iteration.

I statically loaded all the libraries by using Class.forName so that first iteration doesn’t have to the extra work. The time taken for the first iteration reduces form 230ms to 34ms. The first iteration still has to perform the dynamic linking of the native methods.

mangalaman93 commented :

All The Code


diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index 4ff1e90..d89dd25 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ dependencies {
     compile "io.grpc:grpc-netty:${grpcVersion}"
        compile "io.grpc:grpc-stub:${grpcVersion}"
+    testCompile 'com.alibaba:fastjson:1.2.61'
     testCompile "io.opencensus:opencensus-api:${openCensusVersion}"
     testCompile "io.opencensus:opencensus-exporter-trace-jaeger:${openCensusVersion}"
     testRuntime "io.opencensus:opencensus-impl:${openCensusVersion}"


package io.dgraph;

public class TimeCost {
  private long totalCost;
  private long minServerCost;
  private long maxServerCost;
  private long serverCost;
  private long minClientCost;
  private long maxClientCost;
  private long clientCost;

  public TimeCost() {}

  public TimeCost(
      long totalCost,
      long minServerCost,
      long maxServerCost,
      long serverCost,
      long minClientCost,
      long maxClientCost,
      long clientCost) {
    this.totalCost = totalCost;
    this.minServerCost = minServerCost;
    this.maxServerCost = maxServerCost;
    this.serverCost = serverCost;
    this.minClientCost = minClientCost;
    this.maxClientCost = maxClientCost;
    this.clientCost = clientCost;

  public long getTotalCost() {
    return totalCost;

  public void setTotalCost(long totalCost) {
    this.totalCost = totalCost;

  public long getMinServerCost() {
    return minServerCost;

  public void setMinServerCost(long minServerCost) {
    this.minServerCost = minServerCost;

  public long getMaxServerCost() {
    return maxServerCost;

  public void setMaxServerCost(long maxServerCost) {
    this.maxServerCost = maxServerCost;

  public long getServerCost() {
    return serverCost;

  public void setServerCost(long serverCost) {
    this.serverCost = serverCost;

  public long getMinClientCost() {
    return minClientCost;

  public void setMinClientCost(long minClientCost) {
    this.minClientCost = minClientCost;

  public long getMaxClientCost() {
    return maxClientCost;

  public void setMaxClientCost(long maxClientCost) {
    this.maxClientCost = maxClientCost;

  public long getClientCost() {
    return clientCost;

  public void setClientCost(long clientCost) {
    this.clientCost = clientCost;


package io.dgraph;

import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONArray;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import io.grpc.*;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class GraphUtil {
  public static final String LOG_FORMAT = "******[%s] cost: %s";
  public static final String UID_FORMAT = "{\n"
      + " one(func: eq(%s, \"%s\")){\n"
      + "  uid\n"
      + " }\n"
      + "}\n";

  public static DgraphClient buildDgraphClient(List<String> ipPorts) throws Exception {
    if (ipPorts == null || ipPorts.isEmpty()) {
      throw new Exception("init dgraphClient occur error");
    return new DgraphClient(buildDgraphStub(ipPorts));

  public static DgraphAsyncClient buildDgraphAsyncClient(List<String> ipPorts) throws Exception {
    if (ipPorts == null || ipPorts.isEmpty()) {
      throw new Exception("init dgraphAsyncClient occur error");
    return new DgraphAsyncClient(buildDgraphStub(ipPorts));

  private static DgraphGrpc.DgraphStub[] buildDgraphStub(List<String> ipPorts) {
    DgraphGrpc.DgraphStub[] dgraphStubs = new DgraphGrpc.DgraphStub[ipPorts.size()];

    ClientInterceptor timeoutInterceptor = new ClientInterceptor() {
      public <ReqT, RespT> ClientCall<ReqT, RespT> interceptCall(
          MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT> method, CallOptions callOptions, Channel next) {
        return next.newCall(method, callOptions.withDeadlineAfter(30000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));

    ipPorts.stream().map(ipPort -> {
      ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forTarget(ipPort).usePlaintext().build();
      return DgraphGrpc.newStub(channel).withInterceptors(timeoutInterceptor);
    return dgraphStubs;

  public static String getUid(DgraphClient dgraphClient, String gid, String value) {
    Transaction txn = dgraphClient.newReadOnlyTransaction();
    String uid = "";
    try {
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      DgraphProto.Response response = txn.query(String.format(UID_FORMAT, gid, value));
      TimeCost uidCost = latency2Cost(response.getLatency());
      uidCost.setClientCost(System.nanoTime() - start);
      JSONObject dataJson = JSON.parseObject(response.getJson().toStringUtf8());
      JSONArray dataArr = dataJson.getJSONArray("one");
      if (!dataArr.isEmpty()) {
        if (dataArr.size() > 1) {
          System.out.println(String.format("======[%s:%s] require unique", gid, value));
        uid = dataArr.getJSONObject(0).getString("uid");
      logTimeCost("getUid", uidCost);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
    return uid;

  public static String getUid(Transaction txn, String gid, String value) {
    String uid = "";
    try {
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      DgraphProto.Response response = txn.query(String.format(UID_FORMAT, gid, value));
      TimeCost uidCost = latency2Cost(response.getLatency());
      uidCost.setClientCost(System.nanoTime() - start);
      JSONObject dataJson = JSON.parseObject(response.getJson().toStringUtf8());
      JSONArray dataArr = dataJson.getJSONArray("one");
      if (!dataArr.isEmpty()) {
        if (dataArr.size() > 1) {
          System.out.println(String.format("======[%s:%s] require unique", gid, value));
        uid = dataArr.getJSONObject(0).getString("uid");
      logTimeCost("getUid", uidCost);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return uid;

  public static TimeCost commitMutate(DgraphClient dgraphClient, JSONArray mutateArr) {
    TimeCost timeCost = new TimeCost();
    if (mutateArr.isEmpty()) {
      return timeCost;
    Transaction txn = dgraphClient.newTransaction();
    try {
      DgraphProto.Mutation.Builder builder = DgraphProto.Mutation.newBuilder();
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      DgraphProto.Response response = txn.mutate(builder.build());
      //去掉commit会报错io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: ABORTED: Transaction has been aborted. Please retry
      start = System.nanoTime() - start;
      timeCost = latency2Cost(response.getLatency());
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
    logTimeCost("mutate", timeCost);
    return timeCost;

  public static JSONObject buildMutate(int id) {
    JSONObject nodeObj = new JSONObject();
    nodeObj.put("gid", "people" + id);
    nodeObj.put("name", "people" + id);
    nodeObj.put("label", "people");

    JSONObject edgeObj = new JSONObject();
    edgeObj.put("gid", "house" + id);
    edgeObj.put("name", "house" + id);
    edgeObj.put("label", "house");

    nodeObj.put("houses", edgeObj);
    return nodeObj;

  public static TimeCost commitQueryMutate(DgraphClient dgraphClient, JSONArray idArr) {
    TimeCost timeCost = new TimeCost();
    JSONArray mutateArr = new JSONArray();
    if (idArr.isEmpty()) {
      return timeCost;
    Transaction txn = dgraphClient.newTransaction();
    try {
      for (int i = 0; i < idArr.size(); i++) {
        mutateArr.add(buildQueryMutate(txn, idArr.getIntValue(i)));
      DgraphProto.Mutation.Builder builder = DgraphProto.Mutation.newBuilder();
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      DgraphProto.Response response = txn.mutate(builder.build());
      start = System.nanoTime() - start;
      timeCost = latency2Cost(response.getLatency());
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
    logTimeCost("mutate", timeCost);
    return timeCost;

  private static JSONObject buildQueryMutate(Transaction txn, int id) {
    String nodeGid = "people" + id;
    String edgeGid = "house" + id;
    String peopleUid = getUid(txn, "gid", nodeGid);
    String houseUid = getUid(txn, "gid", edgeGid);

    JSONObject nodeObj = new JSONObject();
    JSONObject edgeObj = new JSONObject();
    if (peopleUid.length() > 0) {
      nodeObj.put("uid", peopleUid);
    nodeObj.put("gid", "people" + id);
    nodeObj.put("label", "people");
    nodeObj.put("name", "people" + id);
    if (houseUid.length() > 0) {
      edgeObj.put("uid", houseUid);
    edgeObj.put("gid", "house" + id);
    edgeObj.put("label", "house");
    edgeObj.put("name", "house" + id);
    nodeObj.put("houses", edgeObj);
    return nodeObj;

  public static TimeCost asyncCommitMutate(DgraphAsyncClient dgraphAsyncClient, JSONArray nodeArr) {
    TimeCost timeCost = new TimeCost();
    if (nodeArr.isEmpty()) {
      return timeCost;
    AsyncTransaction txn = dgraphAsyncClient.newTransaction();
    try {
      DgraphProto.Mutation.Builder builder = DgraphProto.Mutation.newBuilder();
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      CompletableFuture<DgraphProto.Response> response = txn.mutate(builder.build());
      DgraphProto.Latency latency = response.get().getLatency();
      start = System.nanoTime() - start;
      timeCost = latency2Cost(latency);

    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
    logTimeCost("asyncMutate", timeCost);
    return timeCost;

  public static TimeCost commitQuery(DgraphClient dgraphClient, String query, Map<String, String> params) {
    Transaction txn = dgraphClient.newReadOnlyTransaction();
    long start = System.nanoTime();
    DgraphProto.Response response = txn.queryWithVars(query, params);
    start = System.nanoTime() - start;
    System.out.println("time taken: " + start/1000000);
    TimeCost timeCost = latency2Cost(response.getLatency());
    logTimeCost("query", timeCost);
    return timeCost;

  public static TimeCost asyncCommitQuery(DgraphAsyncClient dgraphAsyncClient, String query, Map<String, String> params) {
    TimeCost timeCost = new TimeCost();
    AsyncTransaction asyncTxn = dgraphAsyncClient.newReadOnlyTransaction();
    try {
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      CompletableFuture<DgraphProto.Response> response = asyncTxn.queryWithVars(query, params);
      DgraphProto.Latency latency = response.get().getLatency();
      start = System.nanoTime() - start;
      timeCost = latency2Cost(latency);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    logTimeCost("asyncQuery", timeCost);
    return timeCost;

  public static TimeCost commitUpsert(DgraphClient dgraphClient, String query, Map<String, String> params, JSONArray nodeArr) {
    TimeCost timeCost = new TimeCost();
    if (nodeArr.isEmpty()) {
      return timeCost;
    Transaction txn = dgraphClient.newTransaction();
    try {
      DgraphProto.Mutation.Builder builder = DgraphProto.Mutation.newBuilder();
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      DgraphProto.Request request =
      DgraphProto.Response response = txn.doRequest(request);
      start = System.nanoTime() - start;
      timeCost = latency2Cost(response.getLatency());
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
    logTimeCost("upsert", timeCost);
    return timeCost;

  public static JSONObject buildUpsert(String nodeGid, String edgeGid) {
    JSONObject nodeObj = new JSONObject();
    JSONObject edgeObj = new JSONObject();

    nodeObj.put("uid", "uid(node" + nodeGid + ")");
    nodeObj.put("gid", nodeGid);
    nodeObj.put("name", nodeGid);
    nodeObj.put("label", "people");

    edgeObj.put("uid", "uid(edge" + edgeGid + ")");
    edgeObj.put("gid", edgeGid);
    edgeObj.put("name", edgeGid);
    edgeObj.put("label", "house");

    nodeObj.put("houses", edgeObj);
    return nodeObj;

  private static TimeCost latency2Cost(DgraphProto.Latency latency) {
    long parsingNs = latency.getParsingNs();
    long processingNs = latency.getProcessingNs();
    long encodingNs = latency.getEncodingNs();
    long totalNs = parsingNs + processingNs + encodingNs;
    return new TimeCost(0L, totalNs, totalNs, totalNs, 0L, 0L, 0L);

  public static void logTimeCost(String op, TimeCost timeCost) {
    System.out.println(String.format(LOG_FORMAT, op, JSONObject.toJSONString(timeCost)));

  public static TimeCost mergeTimeCost(TimeCost timeCost1, TimeCost timeCost2) {
    Long maxServer = timeCost1.getMaxServerCost();
    Long minServer = timeCost1.getMinServerCost();
    Long maxClient = timeCost1.getMaxClientCost();
    Long minClient = timeCost1.getMinClientCost();

    Long maxServer2 = timeCost2.getMaxServerCost();
    Long minServer2 = timeCost2.getMinServerCost();
    Long maxClient2 = timeCost2.getMaxClientCost();
    Long minClient2 = timeCost2.getMinClientCost();

    if (maxServer < maxServer2) {
      maxServer = maxServer2;
    if (minServer > minServer2) {
      minServer = minServer2;

    if (maxClient < maxClient2) {
      maxClient = maxClient2;
    if (minClient > minClient2) {
      minClient = minClient2;

    Long clientCost = timeCost1.getClientCost() + timeCost2.getClientCost();
    Long serverCost = timeCost1.getServerCost() + timeCost2.getServerCost();
    return new TimeCost(0L, minServer, maxServer, serverCost, minClient, maxClient, clientCost);


package io.dgraph;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;z
import java.util.Random;

public class Issue108 {
  private static long minCost = 0;
  private static long maxCost = Long.MAX_VALUE;
  private static List<String> ipPorts = Arrays.asList("localhost:9180");

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    DgraphClient dgraphClient = GraphUtil.buildDgraphClient(ipPorts);
    Random rand = new Random();
    String[] labelArr = new String[] {"people", "house"};
    String query =
        "query {\n"
            + "  one(func: eq(gid, \"%s\")) {\n"
            + "    uid\n"
            + "    label\n"
            + "  }\n"
            + "}";
    long start = System.nanoTime();
    int total = 10;
    for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
      System.out.println("loop iteration");
      TimeCost timeCost =
              String.format(query, labelArr[rand.nextInt(labelArr.length)] + rand.nextInt(total)),
      Long temp = timeCost.getClientCost();
      if (minCost < temp) {
        minCost = temp;
      if (maxCost > temp) {
        maxCost = temp;

    long avgCost = (System.nanoTime() - start) / total;
            + minCost
            + "ns, maxCost: "
            + maxCost
            + " ns, avgCost: "
            + avgCost
            + "ns");