What is Dgraph lacking?

OK my selfish requests.
I want Dgraph to provide:

  • Blazing FAST query results
  • Cheaper than other platforms because its been designed to take advantage of SSDs instead of everything having to live in ram
  • Clear examples of how to accomplish things
  • ES like search and query DX and performance if not faster, a decent if not identical query string query api with great index intersection queries
  • BM25 and or custom search ranking
  • More and custom tokenizers
  • The whole damn thing is postings lists it should have amazing search!
    UIs are built with search interfaces, ES query string query is THE interface I have used for over 8 years on multiple projects to build applications. As soon as you add search to an app, the search index drives all the views because it does the filtering, the sorting, the faceting etc. All of those queries are constructed using a simple query string query api. I would love to see this. Query string query | Elasticsearch Guide [7.15] | Elastic

Personally I don’t care about lambdas, maybe some day I will but they seem like a crutch for missing features and I have no visibility or intuition about how they impact performance, scaling and ongoing cost of operation vs something like aws lambda which I already use extensively

Also I don’t care about GraphQL, I love that I can write a simple schema and get a full API that rocks, GraphQL was just a hoop I had to jump through. Perhaps subscriptions will change my mind on the value of GraphQL but it also seems like it holds the platform back because if something is not in the spec we can’t use it? Having two query languages feels kludgy not to mention yet another graph query language seriously you couldnt just use gremlin or sparql or something? I’m certain you have great reasons for YAGQL but the pre-existing stuff already has so much documentation /rant