A newer question about name@en

i see a query code
me(func: has(starring)) {
bladerunner(func: anyofterms(name@en, “Blade Runner”)) {
what’s meaning of me and bladerunner?
what’s meaning of @en ?
where is the schema of the graph on https://play.dgraph.io/ ?

Hi jcbms8h,
You showing two queries. Every query there is a construction pattern. Inside the curly brackets you start a query block. The query begins with a given name of the same. “Me” or “bladerunner” are names that you give, so it can be anything. You can standardize this as “data”, “user” or something you wanted. The naming of the query is not so important except for your application.

More details about (func: has (starring))

Within the parentheses you start functions and filters that you want. “func = function” “has” is for the Node that has that indicated predicate and so on.

@en is for multilanguage support. The same node you can add predicates in other languages. And you will request using “@en, @fr, @pt” and so on.
See more here: https://docs.dgraph.io/query-language/#language-support

About the scheme, you can see in the link itself that you used https://play.dgraph.io/
This link opens an instance of Ratel, just below the query field you will see options “Query - Mutate - Alter - Schema” in the last you will have what you want.

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