Auth rule fails to filter on field in type

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  • SlashGraphQL
  • Dgraph (community edition/Dgraph Cloud)

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Steps to reproduce the issue (paste the query/schema if possible)

I am trying to add auth rules with the auth token by following along the examples in the @auth directive docs. Specifically, I want to implement logic like this:

interface Post @auth(
    query: { rule: """
        query ($USER: String!) { 
            queryPost(filter: { author : { id: { eq: $USER } } } ) { 
  id: ID!
  text: String @search(by: [fulltext])
  datePublished: DateTime @search
  author: Author! 

This is how I implemented that in my schema:

type User implements IMetadata @auth(
    update: { rule: """
        query ($USER: String!) { 
            queryUser(filter: { email : { eq: $USER } } ) { 
    objectiveID: ID!
    username: String! @search(by: [regexp])
    email: String! @id
    pollResponses: [PollResponse!] @hasInverse(field: voter)


type PollResponse implements IMetadata & IEntity @auth(
    update: { rule: """
        query ($USER: String!) { 
            queryPollResponse(filter: { voter: { email : { eq: $USER } } }) { 
    add: { rule:  "{$isAuthenticated: { eq: \"true\" } }" }
    poll: Poll!
    voter: User!

Expected behaviour and actual result.

When I try to update my schema using the slash-graphql update-schema, I get the following error:

Error: resolving updateGQLSchema failed because Type PollResponse: @auth: failed to validate GraphQL rule [reason : Field "voter" is not defined by type PollResponseFilter.]

When I try the auth query in the api explorer in the Slash UI I get the same error. I am wondering what I might be missing here, I feel like I followed the example correctly. Do I need to have some configuration to have the filter generated to allow filtering by subfields?

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This should be

query ($USER: String!) {
  queryPollResponse {
    voter(filter: { email: { eq: $USER } }) {

Awesome that worked thanks! Seems like a typo in the docs then…