I have a type with @secret and @auth rule
type Credentials @secret(field: "secretKey") @auth(
query: { rule: "{$ORKADMIN: { eq: \"True\" } }"}
) {
accessKey: String! @search(by: [hash]) @id
description: String! @search(by: [term, hash])
forUser: User!
lastUsed: DateTime
When I run a checkCredentialsPassword query it fails with the following meesage
“message”: “Dgraph query failed because Dgraph execution failed because line 3 column 11: Expected Left round brackets. Got: lex.Item [6] "{" at 3:11”
This is the request (I hide the real credentials with xxx):
query MyQuery {
checkCredentialsPassword(accessKey: "XXXXX", secretKey: "XXXX") {