Average predicate value

I have dt_duration predicates in my data and I want to calculate the average duration from all my data. when I passed dt_duration to function avg doesn’t work for me so I think about this solution

  var(func:has(dt_evt_name)) {
    c as count(uid)
    d as dt_duration
    dr as sum(val(d))
    average as math(dr/c)
  q(func: has(dt_evt_name),orderdesc: val(average)){
   dtt : val(average)

I get error “message”: “: Wrong types 2, 0 encontered for func /” can anyone help to get the right code for this feature

I think there is no problem with this DQL, but there is only one average value, so there should be no sorting.

  var(func:has(dt_evt_name)) {
    c as count(uid)
    d as dt_evt_name
    dr as sum(val(d))
    dtt : math(dr/c)