Badger read performance on 1TB data

I’m working on testing badger read performance on 1TB of data. This posts lists the results of the tests.
[Note: This is a work in progress document]

Test 1 (Data without compression)

The badger benchmark read tool has been used for this test, and the test was carried out on this commit. We ran the test on 836GB of data written without compression. The level structure of the LSM tree is as follows:

Level 0 size:          0 B
Level 1 size:       2.2 GB
Level 2 size:        90 GB
Level 3 size:       361 GB
Total index size:   452 GB
Value log size:     445 GB

Total number of SSTs: 6615
Directory size: 836GB

The test samples 1million keys in random order. We then randomly choose a key from these 1million keys and get its value using txn.Get(), we repeatedly do this for a fixed time span. The test is running without block and index cache, also LoadBloomsOnOpen=false.

We did this for the following time spans:

1 Minute Duration

In one minute it read 2.3GB of data at a speed of 38MB/s.

badger 2020/08/27 11:53:27 INFO: All 6615 tables opened in 40.167s
Time elapsed: 59s, bytes read: 2.3 GB, speed: 38 MB/sec, entries read: 14142937, speed: 239710/sec

The heap profile during the test:

Showing nodes accounting for 9351.92MB, 100% of 9355.08MB total
Dropped 15 nodes (cum <= 46.78MB)
Showing top 5 nodes out of 19
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
 5584.05MB 59.69% 59.69%  9267.22MB 99.06%*TableIndex).Unmarshal
 3683.17MB 39.37% 99.06%  3683.17MB 39.37%*BlockOffset).Unmarshal
   83.20MB  0.89%   100%    83.20MB  0.89%
       1MB 0.011%   100%  9268.87MB 99.08%
    0.50MB 0.0054%   100%  9271.38MB 99.11%

5 Minutes Duration

Time elapsed: 04m59s, bytes read: 12 GB, speed: 41 MB/sec, entries read: 77040272, speed: 257659/sec

Heap profile after 4 minute of run:

Showing nodes accounting for 12773.51MB, 99.10% of 12889.37MB total
Dropped 68 nodes (cum <= 64.45MB)
Showing top 5 nodes out of 19
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
 7647.57MB 59.33% 59.33% 12687.30MB 98.43%*TableIndex).Unmarshal
 5039.73MB 39.10% 98.43%  5039.73MB 39.10%*BlockOffset).Unmarshal
   83.20MB  0.65% 99.08%    83.20MB  0.65%
       3MB 0.023% 99.10% 12690.80MB 98.46%
         0     0% 99.10%    86.62MB  0.67%

10 Minutes Duration

Time elapsed: 09m59s, bytes read: 25 GB, speed: 42 MB/sec, entries read: 155817374, speed: 260129/sec

Heap profile after 9 minute of run:

Showing nodes accounting for 12645.74MB, 99.06% of 12765.66MB total
Dropped 100 nodes (cum <= 63.83MB)
Showing top 5 nodes out of 19
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
 7638.31MB 59.83% 59.83% 12559.53MB 98.39%*TableIndex).Unmarshal
 4921.23MB 38.55% 98.39%  4921.23MB 38.55%*BlockOffset).Unmarshal
   83.20MB  0.65% 99.04%    83.20MB  0.65%
       3MB 0.024% 99.06% 12563.53MB 98.42%
         0     0% 99.06%    87.41MB  0.68%

Full DB Scan

In this test, the full DB is scanned using iterators. It took 57 minutes to read 400GB of entries with an average read speed of 117 MB/s.

Time elapsed: 56m57s, bytes read: 400 GB, speed: 117 MB/sec, entries read: 2500000000, speed: 731635/sec

The heap profile after ~50 minutes of run is as follows:

Showing nodes accounting for 12572.05MB, 99.91% of 12583.90MB total
Dropped 50 nodes (cum <= 62.92MB)
Showing top 5 nodes out of 19
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
 7568.12MB 60.14% 60.14% 12487.35MB 99.23%*TableIndex).Unmarshal
 4919.23MB 39.09% 99.23%  4919.23MB 39.09%*BlockOffset).Unmarshal
   83.20MB  0.66% 99.89%    83.20MB  0.66%
    1.50MB 0.012% 99.91% 12488.85MB 99.24%
         0     0% 99.91%    86.02MB  0.68%

Test 2 - on compressed Data

This test was carried out on compressed data. The details about the data is as follows:

Level 0 size:          0 B
Level 1 size:       1.1 GB
Level 2 size:        28 GB
Level 3 size:       256 GB
Level 4 size:        36 GB
Total index size:   322 GB
Value log size:     584 GB

Total number of SSTs: 21040
Directory size: 844 GB

This test runs with cache enabled and LoadBloomsOnOpen:true. The test is run using the following parameters:

go run main.go benchmark read \
  --index-cache=500 \    # Index Cache of 500MB
  --block-cache=1000 \   # Block Cache of 1GB
  -d=(x)m \              # Duration of x minutes, x ∈ {1m, 5m and 10m}
  --dir=../../data       # Data directory

The results are as follows:

1 Minute Duration

badger 2020/08/27 13:21:47 INFO: All 21040 tables opened in 1m50.532s
Time elapsed: 59s, bytes read: 2.0 GB, speed: 34 MB/sec, entries read: 12606368, speed: 213667/sec

Heap profile during the test:

Showing nodes accounting for 1174.78MB, 89.28% of 1315.86MB total
Dropped 50 nodes (cum <= 6.58MB)
Showing top 5 nodes out of 79
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
     384MB 29.18% 29.18%      384MB 29.18%
  354.37MB 26.93% 56.11%   506.88MB 38.52%*TableIndex).Unmarshal
  200.70MB 15.25% 71.37%   200.70MB 15.25%*Bloom).Size
  152.51MB 11.59% 82.96%   152.51MB 11.59%*BlockOffset).Unmarshal
   83.20MB  6.32% 89.28%    83.20MB  6.32%

5 Minutes Duration

Time elapsed: 04m59s, bytes read: 11 GB, speed: 36 MB/sec, entries read: 67763608, speed: 226634/sec

Heap profile at ~4min during the run:

Showing nodes accounting for 1178.46MB, 90.21% of 1306.37MB total
Dropped 45 nodes (cum <= 6.53MB)
Showing top 5 nodes out of 79
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
     384MB 29.39% 29.39%      384MB 29.39%
  379.39MB 29.04% 58.44%   507.39MB 38.84%*TableIndex).Unmarshal
  203.86MB 15.61% 74.04%   203.86MB 15.61%*Bloom).Size
     128MB  9.80% 83.84%      128MB  9.80%*BlockOffset).Unmarshal
   83.20MB  6.37% 90.21%    83.20MB  6.37%

10 Minutes Duration

Time elapsed: 09m59s, bytes read: 22 GB, speed: 36 MB/sec, entries read: 134503361, speed: 224546/sec

Heap profile at ~9m:

Showing nodes accounting for 1161.13MB, 90.01% of 1290.04MB total
Dropped 63 nodes (cum <= 6.45MB)
Showing top 5 nodes out of 79
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
     384MB 29.77% 29.77%      384MB 29.77%
  358.72MB 27.81% 57.57%   493.22MB 38.23%*TableIndex).Unmarshal
  200.70MB 15.56% 73.13%   200.70MB 15.56%*Bloom).Size
  134.50MB 10.43% 83.56%   134.50MB 10.43%*BlockOffset).Unmarshal
   83.20MB  6.45% 90.01%    83.20MB  6.45%

Full DB scan

It took 4h24m to read 8.2 billion entries using the iterator.

Time elapsed: 04h24m02s, bytes read: 1.2 TB, speed: 76 MB/sec, entries read: 8279106798, speed: 522604/sec

The heap profile at ~4h is:

Showing nodes accounting for 1185.06MB, 92.34% of 1283.34MB total
Dropped 60 nodes (cum <= 6.42MB)
Showing top 5 nodes out of 39
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
     384MB 29.92% 29.92%      384MB 29.92%
  328.35MB 25.59% 55.51%   525.86MB 40.98%*TableIndex).Unmarshal
  197.51MB 15.39% 70.90%   197.51MB 15.39%*BlockOffset).Unmarshal
     192MB 14.96% 85.86%      192MB 14.96%*Bloom).Size
   83.20MB  6.48% 92.34%    83.20MB  6.48%

cc @ibrahim @mrjn