Main types: Job, Company, Candidate …
I’d like to store status information (which can be represented in multiple edges/fields, such as whether the status is active, the name of the status) on each of these main types. Which solution would you recommend (or your own solution) and why?
I have a Status type to describe the status of the above types.
type Status {
name: String # eg "Active Client" (for Company), "Searching" (for Candidates)
isActive: Boolean
Each main type has a one-to-one relationship with a Status type.
type Job {
status: Status
This is a bit annoying though: if I want to update the status, I’d have to fetch the status object’s UID and mutate the status node (I do not want to create a new status object every time the status changes, and have redundant status nodes that are never used and hang in the system).
But is it possible in a mutation, to make it so dgraph will update (if it exists, else create) the status object in the Job type, without having to use UID or any ID specifier?
Similar to the above, but the Status node’s data is flattened into each main type.
type Job {
statusName: String
statusIsActive: Boolean
type Company {
statusName: String
statusIsActive: Boolean
This means I won’t have to reference any UIDs or IDs when I want to change status-related information, since it’s just stored as predicates.
An issue with this is solution is if I want to change the representation of status-type information (eg more status-related fields, such as whether the date of the status update), I’d have to manually do it across all the main types.
I define an interface for Status instead of using a type.
All the main types implement this interface.
An issue is that the schema doesn’t read well, and it isn’t intrinsic that a Company implements a Status (makes more sense that the Company owns the Status).
interface Status {
statusName: String
statusIsActive: Boolean
type Company implements Status {
type Job implements Status{