[Bug] Filter is not working correctly when using aliases

When using this query:

query {
   queryFoo {
      mytags: tags (filter: {id: {eq: "helloworld"}}) {
      alltags: tags {

Only the tag “helloworld” is present in the result (both in mytags and alltags), even if the Foo has multiple tags.

What version of Dgraph are you using ?

This is a known issue and was fixed in fix(GraphQL): fix multiple alias in query by minhaj-shakeel · Pull Request #6940 · dgraph-io/dgraph · GitHub .
Did you try running the same query in the recently released 20.11 version. It should not return the same result for alltags and mytags in 20.11 .

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Hi @rajas! Thanks for the reply. I just discovered, that I’m using an old master checkout. Will do an update. Thanks!