Cannot get a distributed deployment to work on docker


I’ve been trying to setup a dgraphzero and a dgraph instance on docker for about a day now, to no avail.

I get these errors:
zero_1 | 2017/11/04 13:45:39 pool.go:150: Echo error from Err: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = grpc: the connection is unavailable

dgraph_1 | 2017/11/04 01:26:09 groups.go:388: WARNING: We don't have address of any dgraphzero server.

and when I try to run a query on the dgraph instance I get this error:

  "errors": [
      "code": "Error",
      "message": "No connection exists"
  "data": null

Here is my compose file:

    build: dgraph
    command: ['/opt/scripts/']
    #  - dgraphdata1:/dgraph
      - 8888:8888
      - 8889:8889

    build: dgraph
    command: ['/opt/scripts/']
    #  - dgraphdata1:/dgraph
      - 8080:8080
      - 9080:9080

And my start scripts:


IP=`ip route | awk '/default/ { print $3 }'`

dgraph \
  --bindall=true \
  --memory_mb 2048 \
  --my "$IP:12345" \
  --peer "zero:8888" \
  --workerport 12345


IP=`ip route | awk '/default/ { print $3 }'`

dgraphzero \
  --bindall=true \
  --my "$IP:12345" \
  -w zw

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

I’m not too familiar with docker compose files, but this looks a bit suspicious to me:

--peer "zero:8888" \

Try localhost instead of zero.

I ended solving this this way:

This is the problem. It should be port 8888.

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