I’m trying to create a query to get a paged, sorted, and access checked list of things in one database operation. I’m having trouble with combining uids from multiple previous query blocks into a single list of uids. Is this possible?
What I’m trying to do roughly resembles the query below.
query GetAccessCheckedUids(some vars...) {
query1GetsFilteredUids (condition) some filters ... {
filteredUids as uid
query2ChecksAccess(func: uid(filteredUids)) {
access1 as uid
query3ChecksAccess(func: uid(filteredUids)) {
access2 as uid
query4GetsPagedList(func: uid(access1 and access2), ...pageInfo) {
query5CountsResults(func: uid(access1 and access2) {
I named the first three blocks for clarity (I hope). In the final query they will be var blocks.