I setup clustered dgraph(3 replicas each server/zero) in kubernetes. I send export to one pod which successfully exported data. I can copy out the data to somewhere.
Now my question is how to import it another freshly create dgraph(with nothing)? Thanks
Hi Dan,Thanks for your help here. I have idea now. But how to drop all data from my existing database via curl. Here is what is see from docs: * To drop all data, you could send a DropAll request via /alter endpoint.
But how to run curl? thanks again
Hi Dan,
here is what I got:
curl -X POST -d ‘{“DropAll”:true}’ http://localhost:9999/alter
{“errors”:[{“code”:“Error”,“message”:“Operation must have at least one field set”}]}
I use kubectl port-forward to one dgrap-server use port 8080. Here is my command ran:
kubectl -n=vle-proport-forward pod/dgraph-server-rpm-0 9999:8080
I can hit http://localhost:9999 to create/update even prometheus metrics. where went wrong?
Thanks again!