Count - Query language

  var(func: allofterms([email protected], "eat drink man woman")) {
    starring {
      actors as {
        totalRoles as count(
  edmw(func: uid(actors), orderdesc: val(totalRoles)) {
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    totalRoles : val(totalRoles)

{ var(func: allofterms(name@en, "eat drink man woman")) { starring { actors as { totalRoles as count( } } } edmw(func: uid(actors), orderdesc: val(totalRoles)) { name@en name@zh totalRoles : val(totalRoles) } }

curl -H "Content-Type: application/graphql+-" localhost:8080/query -XPOST -d '  blahblah' | python -m json.tool | less
package main
import (
var (
	dgraph = flag.String("d", "", "Dgraph Alpha address")
func main() {
	conn, err := grpc.Dial(*dgraph, grpc.WithInsecure())
	if err != nil {
	defer conn.Close()
	dg := dgo.NewDgraphClient(api.NewDgraphClient(conn))
	resp, err := dg.NewTxn().Query(context.Background(), `blahblah`)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("Response: %s\n", resp.Json)
import io.dgraph.DgraphClient;
import io.dgraph.DgraphGrpc;
import io.dgraph.DgraphGrpc.DgraphStub;
import io.dgraph.DgraphProto.Response;
import io.grpc.ManagedChannel;
import io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder;
import java.util.Map;
public class App {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        ManagedChannel channel =
            ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 9080).usePlaintext(true).build();
        DgraphStub stub = DgraphGrpc.newStub(channel);
        DgraphClient dgraphClient = new DgraphClient(stub);
        String query = "blahblah";
        Response res = dgraphClient.newTransaction().query(query);
        System.out.printf("Response: %s", res.getJson().toStringUtf8());
import pydgraph
import json
def main():
    client_stub = pydgraph.DgraphClientStub("localhost:9080")
    client = pydgraph.DgraphClient(client_stub)
    query = """blahblah"""
    res = client.txn(read_only=True).query(query)
    print('Response: {}'.format(json.loads(res.json)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
    except Exception as e:
        print('Error: {}'.format(e))
const dgraph = require("dgraph-js");
const grpc = require("grpc");
async function main() {
  const clientStub = new dgraph.DgraphClientStub("localhost:9080", grpc.credentials.createInsecure());
  const dgraphClient = new dgraph.DgraphClient(clientStub);
  const query = `blahblah`;
  const response = await dgraphClient.newTxn().query(query);
  console.log("Response: ", JSON.stringify(response.getJson()));
main().then().catch((e) => {
  console.log("ERROR: ", e);
const dgraph = require("dgraph-js-http");
async function main() {
  const clientStub = new dgraph.DgraphClientStub("http://localhost:8080");
  const dgraphClient = new dgraph.DgraphClient(clientStub);
  const query = `blahblah`;
  const response = await dgraphClient.newTxn().query(query);
  console.log("Response: ", JSON.stringify(;
main().then().catch((e) => {
  console.log("ERROR: ", e);

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Is there s performance penalty to using count as opposed to having a distributed counter for the said nodes?
I’m new to dgraph and I’m not sure of how it works internally

Can you clarify? What do you mean by distributed counter

Thanks for the quick reply,
An additional variable that tracks the actual number of nodes (albeit more complex to keep up to date)