Daniel Garrick - Badger for Genomics

Badger for Genomics

Rapidly advancing genomic technologies are creating vast quantities of increasingly dense data sources. This data can add significant value across human, plant, and animal applications.

However, efficient storage and management of that data can quickly become a burden. To help our clients manage and generate insights from their data, we built a genomic data store and analytics platform on top of BadgerDB - the same database that powers Dgraph.

About Daniel

Dan Garrick grew up on a small sheep, beef, and deer farm in Colyton, New Zealand. He earned his BSc and PhD in Aerospace Engineering at Iowa State University studying computational fluid dynamics of rotors, wind energy, and multiphase flows. On completion, he took an opportunity in the field of genetics and genomics to apply his skills developing GPU-accelerated, and more recently, Golang-based command line tools.

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Follow Daniel

Github: Dan Garrick · GitLab

Twitter: twitter.com/dpgarrick

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dpgarrick/