Data Decryption - Deploy

You might need to decrypt data from an encrypted Dgraph cluster for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Migration of data from an encrypted cluster to a non-encrypted cluster
  • Changing your data or schema by directly editing an RDF file or schema file

To support these scenarios, Dgraph includes a decrypt command that decrypts encrypted RDF and schema files. To learn how to export RDF and schema files from Dgraph, see: Dgraph Administration: Export database.

The decrypt command supports a variety of symmetric key lengths, which determine the AES cypher used for encryption and decryption, as follows:

Symmetric key length AES encryption cypher 128 bits (16-bytes) AES-128 192 bits (24-bytes) AES-192 256 bits (32-bytes) AES-256

The decrypt command also supports the use of Vault to store secrets, including support for Vault’s AppRole authentication.

Decryption options

The following decryption options (or flags) are available for the decrypt command:

Option Notes encryption_key_file Encryption key filename -f, --file Path and filename for the encrypted RDF or schema .gz file -h, --help Help for the decrypt command -o, --out Path and filename for the decrypted .gz file that decrypt creates --vault_addr Vault server address, in http://<ip-address>:<port> format (default: http://localhost:8200 ) --vault_field Name of the Vault server’s key/value store field that holds the Base64 encryption key (default enc_key) --vault_format Vault server field format; can be raw or base64 (default: base64) --vault_path Vault server key/value store path (default: secret/data/dgraph) --vault_roleid_file File containing the Vault role-id used for AppRole authentication --vault_secretid_file File containing the Vault secret-id used for AppRole authentication

Data decryption examples

For example, you could use the following command with an encrypted RDF file (encrypted.rdf.gz) and an encryption key file (enc_key_file), to create a decrypted RDF file:

dgraph decrypt -f encrypted.rdf.gz --encryption_key_file enc-key-file -o decrypted_rdf.gz

You can use similar syntax to create a decrypted schema file:

dgraph decrypt -f encrypted.schema.gz --encryption_key_file enc-key-file -o decrypted_schema.gz

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