Wow, that white paper is exactly what I was looking for THANKS! For anyone else that is curious I took some notes mostly copy-paste, perhaps a bit long but well worth understanding.
Data is structured in triples: subject predicate object-value
Subject is a node, predicate is a relationship, and object can be another node or a primitive data type.
<person-a> <lives-in> <sf> .
<person-a> <eats> <sushi> .
<person-a> <eats> <indian> .
<person-b> <lives-in> <nyc> .
<person-b> <eats> <thai> .
All subjects in Dgraph are assigned a globally unique id, called a uid. A uid is stored as a 64-bit unsigned integer (uint64)
A uid once allocated is never reallocated or reassigned. Thus, every node in the graph can be referenced by a unique integer.
Data is sharded on predicate
shard 1
<person-a> <lives-in> <sf> .
<person-b> <lives-in> <nyc> .
shard 2
<person-a> <eats> <sushi> .
<person-a> <eats> <indian> .
<person-b> <eats> <thai> .
Values stored in a “posting”
Values (int, float, string, datetime, geo, etc) are stored in postings. Each posting has an integer id. The data is converted into binary format and stored in a posting along with the information about the original type.
So a posting is:
integer id / uid
type info
binary format
Postings lists link values (postings) back to their subject-predicate (location in the graph)
Within a shard, records sharing the same subject-predicate are grouped and condensed into one single key-value pair in Badger. This value is referred to as a posting list, a terminology commonly used in search engines to refer to a sorted list of doc ids containing a search term. A posting list is stored as a value in Badger, with the key being derived from subject and predicate.
<0x01> <follower> <0xab> .
<0x01> <follower> <0xbc> .
<0x01> <follower> <0xcd> .
key = <follower, 0x01>
value = <0xab, 0xbc, 0xcd, ...>
In a common case where the predicate only has objects (and no values like follower edge), a posting list would consist largely of sorted uids. These are optimized by doing integer compression. The uids are grouped in blocks of 256 integers (configurable), where each block has a base uid and a binary blob. The blob is generated by taking a difference of current uid with the last and storing the difference in bytes encoded using group varint. This generates a data compression ratio of 10. When doing intersections, we can use these blocks to do binary searches or block jumps to avoid decoding all the blocks.
Thanks to these techniques, a single edge traversal corresponds to only a single Badger lookup.
Assuming the worst case scenario where the cluster is so big that each shard lives on a separate server. For a query which asks for [people who live in SF and eat Sushi], Dgraph would execute one network call to server containing lives- in and do a single lookup for all the people who live in SF (* <lives-in> <sf>). In the second step, it would take those results and send them over to server containing eats, do a single lookup to get all the people who eat Sushi (* <eats> <sushi>), and intersect with the previous step’s resultset to generate the final list of people from SF who eat Sushi. In a similar fashion, this result set can then be further filtered/joined, each join executing in one network call.
As we learnt in section ??, the result set is a list of sorted 64-bit unsigned integers, which make the retrieval and intersection operations very efficient.
The difference between an index and data is the key. A data key is typically <predicate, uid>, while an index key is <predicate, token>. A token is derived from the value of the data, using an index tokenizer.