I have been migrating my DQL schema to GraphQL schema but having difficulty in define @count directive in the schema.
E.g : In DQL let’s say I have a predicate connected_edges
which is of type [uid]
. if I want to introduce inverse and count it is easy. i-e connected_edges: [uid] @inverse @count .
now I am trying to replicate the same thing in GraphQL but unable to do that.
E.g I have graphQL predicate connected_edges: [SomeType] @dgraph(pred: "SomeType.connected_edges")
the @dgraph directive gives me liberty to connect the DQL predicate with GQL but there is no way I can define a @count directive there as well. I have to manually add @count directive whenever I update the Schema.
Is there any approach of adding @count directive in GraphQL as it is in DQL?