I would like to second this - I have been encountering my alpha/zero pods not fully stopping - I did not make a ticket because I was not positive it did not have to do with running in kubernetes, which I recognize not everyone does.
Maybe 60% of the time my alpha pods will hang on Terminating and looking at the logs, they shutdown all their http handlers and are just waiting on nothing forever. My hypothesis was it had to be something with all my pods stopping at once caused a RAFT race that resulted in an infinite wait… somehow - though that is just conjecture.
@jarifibrahim I went through the code and zero is having a closer at its server level struct. Can we do the same for alpha? right now we are creating different closers for admin server and ACL.
@tharun208 Two different closers allow us to wait for different events. I believe we have two closers because we want ACLs to stop before admin endpoint stops responding. You should try to find out which closer doesn’t stop when we press CTRL-C for the first time.
The closer that doesn’t stop when pressing CTRL-C is our bug.
I am no longer able to reproduce the issue. Alpha seems to be shutting down on the first CTRL-C . I tried on an empty alpha/zero setup. Maybe multiple nodes or data affects shutdown behavior.