Dgraph TLS on the azure aks failed to connect through client

I have used the official helm chart to deploy dgraph on azure aks .i have used


and able to create certifcate and then i am starting helm with

helm install dgraph --values tls/secrets.yaml --values alpha-tls-config.yaml .

but i see in dgraph alpha log like error: Unsupported certificate when i did dgraph cert ls

But when i am trying to query its not connecting here the client code

const fs = require('fs');

const path = require('path');

require("tls").DEFAULT_ECDH_CURVE = "auto"

const dgraph = require("dgraph-js");

//const dgraph = require("dgraph-js-http");

const https = require("https");

// Create a client stub.

function newClientStub() {

    // First create the appropriate TLS certs with dgraph cert:

    //     $ dgraph cert

    //     $ dgraph cert -n localhost

    //     $ dgraph cert -c user

    console.log(path.join(__dirname, "tls", "ca.crt"));

    const rootCaCert = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "tls", "ca.crt"));

    const clientCertKey = fs.readFileSync(

        path.join(__dirname, "tls", "client.visurqadgraph.key")


    const clientCert = fs.readFileSync(

        path.join(__dirname, "tls", "client.visurqadgraph.crt")


//     // create your https.Agent

// const agent = https.Agent({

//     clientCert,

//     rootCaCert,

//     clientCertKey,

// });

// const clientStub = new dgraph.DgraphClientStub(

//     "https://qadgraph.visur.tech:9080",

//     false,

//     { agent },

// );

// const dgraphClient = new dgraph.DgraphClient(clientStub);

// // Run query.

// const query = `query all($a: string) {

//     all(func: eq(name, $a))

//     {

//       name

//     }

//   }`;

//   const vars = { $a: "Alice" };

//   const res =  dgraphClient.newTxn().queryWithVars(query, vars);

//   const ppl = res.data;


//   // Print results.

//   console.log(`Number of people named "Alice": ${ppl.all.length}`);

//   ppl.all.forEach(person => console.log(person.name));

// const dgraphClient = new dgraph.DgraphClient(clientStub);

    return new dgraph.DgraphClientStub(


        dgraph.grpc.credentials.createSsl(rootCaCert, clientCertKey, clientCert)



// Create a client.

function newClient(clientStub) {

    return new dgraph.DgraphClient(clientStub);


// Drop All - discard all data and start from a clean slate.

async function dropAll(dgraphClient) {

    const op = new dgraph.Operation();


    await dgraphClient.alter(op);


// Set schema.

async function setSchema(dgraphClient) {

    const schema = `

        name: string @index(exact) .

        age: int .

        married: bool .

        loc: geo .

        dob: datetime .

        friend: [uid] @reverse .


    const op = new dgraph.Operation();


    await dgraphClient.alter(op);


// Create data using JSON.

async function createData(dgraphClient) {

    // Create a new transaction.

    const txn = dgraphClient.newTxn();

    try {

        // Create data.

        const p = {

            uid: "_:alice",

            name: "Alice",

            age: 26,

            married: true,

            loc: {

                type: "Point",

                coordinates: [1.1, 2],


            dob: new Date(1980, 1, 1, 23, 0, 0, 0),

            friend: [


                    name: "Bob",

                    age: 24,



                    name: "Charlie",

                    age: 29,



            school: [


                    name: "Crown Public School",




        // Run mutation.

        const mu = new dgraph.Mutation();


        const response = await txn.mutate(mu);

        // Commit transaction.

        await txn.commit();

        // Get uid of the outermost object (person named "Alice").

        // Response#getUidsMap() returns a map from blank node names to uids.

        // For a json mutation, blank node label is used for the name of the created nodes.


            `Created person named "Alice" with uid = ${response




        console.log("All created nodes (map from blank node names to uids):");



            .forEach((uid, key) => console.log(`${key} => ${uid}`));


    } finally {

        // Clean up. Calling this after txn.commit() is a no-op

        // and hence safe.

        await txn.discard();



// Query for data.

async function queryData(dgraphClient) {

    // Run query.

    const query = `query all($a: string) {

        all(func: eq(name, $a)) {







            friend {




            school {





    const vars = { $a: "Alice" };

    const res = await dgraphClient

        .newTxn({ readOnly: true })

        .queryWithVars(query, vars);

    const ppl = res.getJson();

    // Print results.

    console.log(`Number of people named "Alice": ${ppl.all.length}`);

    ppl.all.forEach((person) => console.log(person));


async function main() {

    const dgraphClientStub = newClientStub();

    const dgraphClient = newClient(dgraphClientStub);

   // await dropAll(dgraphClient);

   // await setSchema(dgraphClient);

    await createData(dgraphClient);

    await queryData(dgraphClient);

    // Close the client stub.




    .then(() => {



    .catch((e) => {

        console.log("ERROR: ", e);


Hello @vikashsingh009,

On one of the alpha pods, could you run these commands and let me know the output:

hostname -f 
dgraph cert ls --dir /dgraph/tls
cat /dgraph/config/config.yaml

here is the output of above command

and output for cat /dgraph/config/config.yaml
tls_client_auth: REQUIREANDVERIFY
tls_use_system_ca: true

TLS configuration (before v20.11.0)

tls_dir: tls

TLS configuration (after v20.11.0)

#tls_cacert: /dgraph/tls/ca.crt
#tls_node_cert: /dgraph/tls/node.crt
#tls_node_key: /dgraph/tls/node.key

lru_mb deprecated after v20.11.0 and is no longer needed

lru_mb: 2048

@joaquin,i have also tried to trust Root certificate for window where helm is building and deploying,but not able to connect tls at all on grpc port 9080.i am using aks Loadbalancer there .here is sample python test

@vikashsingh009 As I was looking at the output I spotted an issue. The current node certificate will only work with alpha0 and localhost. Anything other hostname used will not be able to connect.

You would also need to configure these:

  • Alpha 1: qadgraph-dgraph-alpha-1.qadgraph-dgraph-alpha-headless.default.svc.cluster.local
  • Alpha 2: qadgraph-dgraph-alpha-2.qadgraph-dgraph-alpha-headless.default.svc.cluster.local
  • Alpha SVC qadgraph-dgraph-alpha-headless.default.svc.cluster.local

Additionally, as you are accessing this through a DNS name, you need to add that name as well:

  • DNS name: qadgraph.visur.tech

Thus for this scenario, here’s a solution to generate the certificates with the desired support FQDN hostnames, using a Dgraph container (for dgraph, bash, curl, GNU tools):

docker run --detach --name dgraph-cert \
  --volume $PWD/dgraph_tls:/dgraph/dgraph_tls \

# download script
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dgraph-io/charts/master/charts/dgraph/scripts/make_tls_secrets.sh

# copy to a dgraph container
docker cp ./make_tls_secrets.sh dgraph-cert:/dgraph

# create certificates with extra FQDN names
docker exec -t dgraph-cert \
  bash /dgraph/make_tls_secrets.sh --release qadgraph --extra qadgraph.visur.tech,qadgraph-dgraph-alpha-headless.default.svc.cluster.local

# verify host names created
docker exec -t dgraph-cert \
  dgraph cert ls --dir /dgraph/dgraph_tls/alpha | grep -oP '(?<=Hosts: ).*' | tr -s ', ' '\n'

The output should be the following:


Thanks @joaquin worked for me ,now able to connect javascript and python client but issues in C#/.net i will create seprate tickets for that

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