Dgraph v21.03.0 - Credentials revealed in log for online restore

Report a Dgraph Bug

The online restore exposes credentials in the log in clear text.

What version of Dgraph are you using?

  • commit f9d045acd (release/v21.03)

Have you tried reproducing the issue with the latest release?


What is the hardware spec (RAM, OS)?

  • Ubuntu 20.04 from docker image

Steps to reproduce the issue (comm

  1. Given an existing backup:
    ## Using same credentials used for backup/restore
    $ aws s3 ls --profile dgraph-dev-backups s3://dgraph-dev-backups/test/backup/
    # Output
    #                            PRE dgraph.20210405.192711.054/
    # 2021-04-05 12:27:12       3084 manifest.json
  2. Do an online restore on a fresh Dgraph cluster (real credentials obfuscated):
    mutation {
        location: "s3://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/dgraph-dev-backups/test/backup"
        secretKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
      }) {

Expected behaviour and actual result.


There would be no secrets in the logs. Example:

E0405 19:31:22.343728      20 draft.go:720] Applying proposal. Error: cannot write backup: cannot write backup: Stat failed "dgraph.20210405.192711.054/r38-g1.backup": The specified key does not exist.. Proposal: {"<nil>" [] "<nil>" "" "<nil>" "<nil>" 'd' '\x00' "group_id:1 restore_ts:40 location:\"s3://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/dgraph-dev-backups/test/backup\" access_key:\"*****\" secret_key:\"*****\" " "<nil>" "<nil>"}.


You can see this in the logs (real credentials obfuscated):

E0405 19:31:22.343728      20 draft.go:720] Applying proposal. Error: cannot write backup: cannot write backup: Stat failed "dgraph.20210405.192711.054/r38-g1.backup": The specified key does not exist.. Proposal: {"<nil>" [] "<nil>" "" "<nil>" "<nil>" 'd' '\x00' "group_id:1 restore_ts:40 location:\"s3://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/dgraph-dev-backups/test/backup\" access_key:\"AKIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\" secret_key:\"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\" " "<nil>" "<nil>"}.