According to my query (transaction) result it says the following:
Seeing that start_ts
starts at 1
, i’ve done 1B+ transactions correct? If so… cool! I’ve been stress testing Dgraph with the bank example (yeah ik not exciting or maxing out Dgraph’s potential) on a personal DigitialOcean droplet ($700+/month - 128GB of memory) for a few weeks now (keeping in mind that Dgraph wasn’t running 100% that whole time). This testing was more of an reliability test that Dgraph would stay running, even under high load… and do everything it needs to do keep memory consistent, etc. And I can definitely say for sure that it does!
The only annoying thing i’ve experienced is the following error: Error while runTotal: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = : cannot find value without language tag from list with key.
However I know there’s an open PR to fix this
Runs: 10565700. Aborts: 3260378132020/07/30 01:21:58 Error while runTotal: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = : cannot find value without language tag from list with key 00000362616c000000000008b48e6c: cannot retrieve posting for UID 18446744073709551615 from list with key 00000362616c000000000008b48e6c: readTs: 1130697038 less than minTs: 1130697039 for key: "\x00\x00\x03bal\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\b\xb4\x8el"2020/07/30 01:21:58 Error while runTotal: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = : cannot find value without language tag from list with key 00000362616c000000000008b5c471: cannot retrieve posting for UID 18446744073709551615 from list with key 00000362616c000000000008b5c471: readTs: 1130697314 less than minTs: 1130697315 for key: "\x00\x00\x03bal\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\b\xb5\xc4q"Runs: 10565800. Aborts: 3260409652020/07/30 01:22:00 Error while runTotal: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = : cannot find value without language tag from list with key 00000362616c000000000008b4e775: cannot retrieve posting for UID 18446744073709551615 from list with key 00000362616c000000000008b4e775: readTs: 1130699513 less than minTs: 1130699514 for key: "\x00\x00\x03bal\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\b\xb4\xe7u"
Runs: 10565900. Aborts: 326044025Runs: 10566000. Aborts: 326047036Runs: 10566100. Aborts: 326050150Runs: 10566200. Aborts: 326053233Runs: 10566300. Aborts: 326056259
Runs: 10566400. Aborts: 326059226
Runs: 10566500. Aborts: 326062451