Do facets support multi-sorting?

Hi, how to sort 2+ facets in a dgraph query. The follows get a wrong error. the dgraph version is 1.0.16

  node(func: uid(0x1)) {
		actor@facets(orderdesc:close,orderdesc:weight) {
  node(func: uid(0x1)) {
		actor@facets(orderdesc:close) @facets(orderdesc:weight) {

This query is also wrong with error Only one facets allowed.

Hey @bcyyl, currently this is not supported. But this is in our road map. Here is the github issue for it Sorting by multiple facets · Issue #3638 · dgraph-io/dgraph · GitHub.

Thanks! I am looking forward to the new version of dgraph

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Hi @bcyyl, we now support multi-sorting on facets.
