What I want to do
I want to use DQL mutation to update my data. The choice to use DQL is because I want to bypass @auth rules
I have the following simplified GraphQL Schema
type Payment { # @auth rules omitted for simplification
id: ID!
isSuccessful: Boolean
method: String
reference: PaymentExternal
union PaymentExternal = ExternalXCharge | ExternalYRecord
type ExternalXCharge {
id: String! @id
# other fields specific to XCharge
type ExternalYRecord {
id: String! @id
# other fields specific to YRecord
with the following sample data
"id": "0x8",
"isSuccessFul": null,
"method": "creditcard",
"reference": {
"id": "x_charge_id_12345"
When querying using DQL, I get the following output
"uid": "0x8",
"Payment.method": "creditcard",
"Payment.reference": {
"uid": "0x7",
"ExternalXCharge.id": "chrg_test_5odblz0450uyyjfo34z"
I would like to update isSuccessful for the Payment record 0x8
while also checking whether reference.id value is equal to “x_charge_id_12345”
What I did
Since I have a conditional update, I tried to use Conditional Upsert, using the following RDF syntax
upsert {
query {
p as payment(func: uid(0x8)) {
Payment.reference {
chargeId as ExternalXCharge.id
mutation @if(eq(val(chargeId), "x_charge_id_12345")) {
set {
uid(p) <Payment.isSuccessful> "true" .
When I run the above request, no update occurred. The data has not been updated, when I tried to query using GraphQL and DQL syntax.
It seems chargeId is not set properly, when I tried removing @if
and set the values to new test predicates as follows
upsert {
query {
p as payment(func: uid(0x8)) {
m as Payment.method
Payment.reference {
chargeId as ExternalXCharge.id
mutation {
set {
uid(p) <Payment.isSuccessful> "true" .
uid(p) <testMethod> val(m) .
uid(p) <testChargeId> val(chargeId) .
Only the value of testMethod
is set.
However, both val(m)
and val(chargeId)
don’t seem to work with the @if
How do I update using the predicate ExternalXCharge.id
on Payment.reference
as a condition?
When the update is successful I got the following as part of the raw response
Is extensions.txn.preds supposed to be like that?
PS: I’m using Postman to send requests
Dgraph metadata
dgraph version
Dgraph version : v21.03.0
Dgraph codename : rocket
Dgraph SHA-256 : b4e4c77011e2938e9da197395dbce91d0c6ebb83d383b190f5b70201836a773f
Commit SHA-1 : a77bbe8ae
Commit timestamp : 2021-04-07 21:36:38 +0530
Branch : HEAD
Go version : go1.16.2
jemalloc enabled : true
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