Filtering by relation

I want to get all nodes who have the same project uid

my query is like that


query {
q(func: has(evt_name)) @filter(uid_in(~project_uid, “0xe23”)) {
project_uid {

but I get no result

in the other hand my data :

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Use cascade instead:

query {
q(func: has(evt_name)) @cascade  {
  project_uid @filter(uid(0xe29)) {
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thank you for your response but doesn’t working for me

Please show me the result without filter on project_uid

the problem was that uid is 0xe230 not 0xe23 but still get the result of project uid that are 0xe230

You missed @cascade

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it working thank you

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Your original filter was looking at the reverse project_uid edge: ~project_uid

The following may also work:

query {
    q(func: has(evt_name)) 
    @filter(uid_in(project_uid, “0xe23”))
        project_uid {

If you want to use a variable when locating your projects UID, then you can do something like this:

query {
    proj as var(func: eq(, “foo”)
    q(func: has(evt_name)) 
    @filter(uid_in(project_uid, uid(proj)))
        project_uid {

Note: @cascade also works but may not be the most optimal (assuming performance is of concern). This is because @cascade is applied after the query: Cascade Directive - Query language