When setting a graphql schema with the generate directive with enabled add mutation and disabled update and delete mutations it’s possible to update via the addX(input: { ...X }, upsert: true)
I’d expect that with updates and deletions disabled that upserting is not available.
Sample requests:
POST /admin/schema
type Foo @generate(
query: {
get: true,
query: true,
password: false,
aggregate: false
mutation: {
add: true,
update: false,
delete: false
subscription: false,
) {
x: String! @id @search(by: [exact])
y: String!
Then populate the type with a value
POST /graphql
mutation {
addFoo(input: [
{ x: "a", y: "a" }
]) { foo { x y } }
Attempting to add to the same ID fails as expected with:
couldn’t rewrite mutation addFoo because failed to rewrite mutation payload because id a already exists for field x inside type Foo
mutation {
addFoo(input: [
{ x: "a", y: "b" }
]) { foo { x y } }
Upsert onto the same ID succeeds with upsert: true
POST /graphql
mutation {
addFoo(input: [
{ x: "a", y: "b" }
], upsert: true) { foo { x y } }
After disabling upsert
via Ratle on Foo.x
it’s still possible to upsert via GraphQL for the same Foo.x