Graphql delete mutation - Internal Server Error - a panic was trapped

Trying to delete Author from the example code in graphql.dgraph?

  deleteAuthor(filter:  { ids: "0x2d" }){


  "errors": [
      "message": "[6bb942ef-7b64-43fd-9de7-ba613e6f2e4f] Internal Server Error - a panic was trapped.  This indicates a bug in the GraphQL server.  A stack trace was logged.  Please let us know :"
  "extensions": {
    "requestID": "6bb942ef-7b64-43fd-9de7-ba613e6f2e4f"

Found the problem: I was missing “

Added an issue to fix the original error : (GraphQL) error when ids is not a list · Issue #4342 · dgraph-io/dgraph · GitHub

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