How much writes per second can dgraph actually handle? e.g if I use a dgraph DB for tracking small timestamp analytics user data, how much can I write per second, until I should start getting worried? what happens if I write too much, will it just end up in a bottleneck (and therefore my nodejs app will have to wait more seconds for a response?), or will my writes get aborted?
BTW and while we are at it, how much simultaneously reads can dgraph actually handle per second?
@Juri Writes per second hugely depends on number of alphas. I was able to load test ~9000writes/sec with 3 alpha-zero node each had 128G RAM and 64Core CPUs. Also number of reads were something near that number but it was related to query and number of touched nodes.
If your writes exceeds the timeout limit of alphas then they are going to get aborted, otherwise it might take little bit longer.
In your case I think you can use Ludicrous mode for better performance.
I would just caution on the use of Ludicrous mode. It was buggy for me. I did some performance testing using Ludicrous mode turned on for the 21.03.1 release a couple of weeks ago after giving up on 21.12.0. I used the 21million dataset from the benchmarks repository and it kept causing my Alphas to die. I donβt know if the underlying cause is the same, but the behavior was similar to what others were seeing with the new v21.12.0 release of Dgraph.