How to create a feed of posts?


I’m looking at using Dgraph for a social network. I’ve been trying it out for a few hours and it seems great but I’ve stumbled upon a road block.

One of the things I need to be able to do is to query the most recent x posts from a list of users that I follow. Note that it’s not the most recent x posts of each person but the most recent x across all of their posts.

To clarify a bit further, this is a simplified version of what I can currently get:

    "me": {
        "friends": [
                "user2': {
                    "posts": [
                "user3': {
                    "posts": [
                "user4': {
                    "posts": [

What I need is something like this (assuming x = 4):

    "me": {
        "posts": [

I have a feeling that it’s either I’m missing something basic or I need a complicated query to get what I need. If you guys can help me create a query for this, that would be great.

This is an interesting query. You can use variables to achieve this. @ashwin95r can explain how it would work with them.

 var(id: <my-id>) {
  friends {
   A as posts (orderdesc: time-stamp, first: x) {
    B as time-stamp

 TopPostsFromMyFriends(id: var(A), orderdesc: var(B), first: x) {

Hope this helps @jansenignacio. Let us know how it works for you!


Thanks for this. It steered us to the right path. We ran into other issues which we’ll put somewhere else (like as a bug report on github or as a separate topic here)

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Yes. Please do file any issues that you face and we’ll fix them asap.

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