How to dedup nodes at N-Hop level?

Hi there, I am new in using Dgraph.
I need some help in counting distinct nodes at 2-Hop from a random node in a graph.

For schema, I did not specify it before loading data. The data is :

    "uid": "3235527",
    "knows": {
      "uid": "527594"

The json-data is transformed from Graph500 dataset.

My demand is to count distinct nodes at 2-Hop from a random node in a graph, like cypher

MATCH (n1)-[:MyEdge*0..2]->(n2) 
WHERE id(n1)=2677094 
RETURN count(distinct n2)

I tried query like, thinking it would may flatted the “2-hop knows”:

  all(func: uid(2677094)) {
	x as uid

However, the result is still not flatten that I can not dedup the result from each knows->knows.

Can anybody help me?

To “flat” the data use Normalize

Bonus: Cypher "translated" to GraphQL+-