How to Drop Data?

How do you drop data on a multi tenant backend?

Have tried
curl -X POST localhost:8080/alter -d ‘{“drop_all”: true}’

Just trying to get a simple test env up that starts with a fresh db

thanks is that different than:

curl -X POST localhost:8080/alter -d ‘{“drop_all”: true}’

I figured out how to drop data, {“drop_op”:“DATA”}. do you know how to drop the schema?

this would be more useful if it had something you could copy and paste to show how to do this

to drop all data, you could send a DropAll request via /alter endpoint.

this was the closest thing I could find on google

curl -X POST localhost:8080/alter -d ‘{“drop_all”: true}’

but that doesn’t work on a shared cloud backend

Multi-tenancy is an enterprise-only feature