How to query for arbitrary predicate and get the uids along with the predicate

Hi I am porting over from SPARQL to DQL:
Now I have a query that fetches uid from graph. Now I want to get the predicates and the node uid that are connected to the node.
Like in sprarql:

select ?s ?p ?o where {
?s a <s_type> .
?s ?p ?o .

Now how can I port over to DQL? Can anyone help?
I have tried this query:

  result (func: type("Section")) {
    expand(_all_) {
      seconduid: uid

But it was giving the following result:

  "data": {
    "result": [
        "uid": "0x25e6261"
        "uid": "0x299e4c1"
        "uid": "0x3465161"
        "uid": "0x37ec681"
        "uid": "0x3b8c241"
        "uid": "0x3f444a1"
        "uid": "0x42e4062"
        "uid": "0x469c2c1"
        "uid": "0x4a54521"
        "uid": "0x4d79fc1"
        "uid": "0x51014e1"
        "uid": "0x54b9741"
        "uid": "0x58719a1"
        "uid": "0x80e12a4"
        "uid": "0x8142d23"
        "uid": "0x81d54e2"
        "uid": "0x81d54e4"
        "uid": "0x81d54e7"
        "uid": "0x8236f62"
        "uid": "0x8280342"
        "uid": "0x8312b01"
        "uid": "0x835bee3"
        "uid": "0x8374583"
        "uid": "0x84687c3"
        "uid": "0x8499506"
        "uid": "0x84b1ba4"
        "uid": "0x84e28e4"
        "uid": "0x852bcc2"
        "uid": "0x858d741"
        "uid": "0x85a5de2"
        "uid": "0x85d6b22"
        "uid": "0x86385a1"
        "uid": "0x86692e1"
        "uid": "0x89f0802"
        "uid": "0x8a08ea4"
        "uid": "0x8a52286"
        "uid": "0x8b15781"
        "uid": "0x8b15783"
        "uid": "0x8b8f8a1"
        "uid": "0x8b8f8a3"
        "uid": "0x8ba7f44"
        "uid": "0x8bc05e2"
        "uid": "0x8c3a701"
        "uid": "0x8fc1c22"
        "uid": "0x8fda2c4"
        "uid": "0x900b004"
        "uid": "0x90543e4"
        "uid": "0x90b5e63"
        "uid": "0x90ff242"
        "uid": "0x912ff81"
        "uid": "0x9191a02"
        "uid": "0x920bb21"
        "uid": "0x923c862"
        "uid": "0xa1af9a5"
        "uid": "0xa1c8042"
        "uid": "0xa1e06e2"
        "uid": "0xa229ac4"
        "uid": "0xa272ea2"
        "uid": "0xa305661"
        "uid": "0xa37f785"
        "uid": "0xa397e22"
        "uid": "0xa3e1202"
        "uid": "0xa3e1203"
        "uid": "0xa7b1b03"
        "uid": "0xa82bc22"
        "uid": "0xa8ef121"
        "uid": "0xa969241"
        "uid": "0xa999f83"
        "uid": "0xa9cacc1"
        "uid": "0xa9fba01"
        "uid": "0xa9fba02"
        "uid": "0xaa5d481"
        "uid": "0xaa5d482"
        "uid": "0xae46423"
        "uid": "0xae8f803"
        "uid": "0xaf21fc3"
        "uid": "0xaf3a664"
        "uid": "0xaf6b3a1"
        "uid": "0xaf6b3a2"
        "uid": "0xaf83a42"
        "uid": "0xaffdb62"
        "uid": "0xb02e8a2"
        "uid": "0xb077c81"
        "uid": "0xb3ff1a3"
        "uid": "0xb417844"
        "uid": "0xb42fee6"
        "uid": "0xb524121"
        "uid": "0xb53c7c4"
        "uid": "0xb554e61"
        "uid": "0xb585ba2"
        "uid": "0xb5cef81"
        "uid": "0xb618361"
        "uid": "0xb661741"
        "uid": "0xb9b7f26"
        "uid": "0xb9e8c62"
        "uid": "0xba01303"
        "uid": "0xba32042"
        "uid": "0xbb26282"
        "uid": "0xbb87d02"
        "uid": "0xbba03a2"
        "uid": "0xbbb8a44"
        "uid": "0xbc4b201"
        "uid": "0xbc7bf42"
        "uid": "0xbe7ca63"
        "uid": "0xbe7ca64"
        "uid": "0xbead7a4"
        "uid": "0xbef6b82"
        "uid": "0xbf278c7"
        "uid": "0xbf3ff62"
        "uid": "0xbf3ff64"
        "uid": "0xc095c21"
        "uid": "0xc0c6961"
        "uid": "0xc0f76a1"
        "uid": "0xc47ebc2"
        "uid": "0xc511383"
        "uid": "0xc529a23"
        "uid": "0xc572e02"
        "uid": "0xc58b4a1"
        "uid": "0xc58b4a3"
        "uid": "0xc5a3b42"
        "uid": "0xc61dc61"
        "uid": "0xc697d81"
        "uid": "0xc6c8ac1"
        "uid": "0xca1f2a4"
        "uid": "0xca1f2a5"
        "uid": "0xca4ffe2"
        "uid": "0xcb134e2"
        "uid": "0xcb44223"
        "uid": "0xcb74f62"
        "uid": "0xcb8d601"
        "uid": "0xcba5ca4"
        "uid": "0xcc07721"
        "uid": "0xcc07723"
        "uid": "0xd021403"
        "uid": "0xd052146"
        "uid": "0xd06a7e2"
        "uid": "0xd0e4902"
        "uid": "0xd1a7e01"
        "uid": "0xd1a7e02"
        "uid": "0xd1c04a4"
        "uid": "0xd209882"
        "uid": "0xd23a5c1"
        "uid": "0xd29c041"
        "uid": "0xd6e6a62"
        "uid": "0xd6ff104"
        "uid": "0xd7177a3"
        "uid": "0xd72fe43"
        "uid": "0xd779221"
        "uid": "0xd7a9f62"
        "uid": "0xd80b9e3"
        "uid": "0xd854dc2"
        "uid": "0xd885b01"
        "uid": "0xd89e1a1"
        "uid": "0xdc256c2"
        "uid": "0xdc9f7e4"
        "uid": "0xdcb7e85"
        "uid": "0xdce8bc2"
        "uid": "0xdd01263"
        "uid": "0xdd19903"
        "uid": "0xdd31fa2"
        "uid": "0xdd4a641"
        "uid": "0xdddce01"
        "uid": "0xde261e3"
  "extensions": {
    "server_latency": {
      "parsing_ns": 107306,
      "processing_ns": 2227158,
      "encoding_ns": 180105,
      "assign_timestamp_ns": 934799,
      "total_ns": 3565435
    "txn": {
      "start_ts": 100168,
      "hash": "3b35d887a1b49dc2067fc57a46822f4c74f36140991b26e56740291c29a2636e"
    "metrics": {
      "num_uids": {
        "_total": 163,
        "dgraph.type": 0,
        "uid": 163

Thanks in advance

Have you added types and did your data have the dgraph.type assigned?

Hi I have added the dgraph.type for the classes.

Do you want to take this discussion to Discord for better back-and-forth discussions?

I’m not sure what you meant by classes? Did you mean you added it to the data nodes or your schema? Can you provide your schema? Can you query a node by uid and select all of the fields to show what data actually exists?

See for my case the tree kind of look like this:
Document – → Section – → subSection .
I want to get one single query to get all the uids that are in this chain. I will only specify document uid.
Now the issue is I want to make the predicate arbitrary while writing this query.

Now the issue is I want to make the predicate arbitrary while writing this query

You can make it arbitrary to a limited extent. And that extent is that it must be defined in your schema types.

Let’s say you have this schema:

sections: [uid] .
paragraphs: [uid] .
name: string .
title: string .
text: string .

type Document {

type Section {

type Note {

type Paragraph {

With some data:

  _:doc1 <dgraph.type> "Document" .
  _:doc1 <name> "My First Document" .
  _:doc1 <sections> _:section1 .
  _:section1 <dgraph.type> "Section" .
  _:section1 <title> "foo" .
  _:section1 <sections> _:section2 .
  _:section2 <dgraph.type> "Section" .
  _:section2 <title> "bar" .
  _:section1 <sections> _:section3 .
  _:section3 <dgraph.type> "Section" .
  _:section3 <title> "baz" .
  _:doc1 <notes> _:note1 .
  _:note1 <dgraph.type> "Note" .
  _:note1 <text> "Lorem Ipsum" .

Now you can arbitrary query for sections and paragraphs of the document, but not the notes, because the note predicate is not part of the type schema for the Document not the Section

query {
  docs(func: type(Document)) {
    expand(_all_) {
      expand(_all_) {

If you want the notes that may exist but are not included within the types, then you would have to add them imperatively:

query {
  docs(func: type(Document)) {
    notes {
    expand(_all_) {
      expand(_all_) {

This may be confusing because in an older version of Dgraph, the expand(_all_) use to include every predicate that existed for the nodes selected. But in recent versions the algorithm was changed to only included the typed predicates.

And FWIW, this is also the case for deletes as well. Older Dgraph versions use to delete all predicates that were attached to a node with the S** delete methods, but now, only predicates specifically typed to the node are deleted.

And if for whatever reason your nodes don’t have a dgraph.type predicate, then you can not use the expand(_all_) nor the S** syntax effectively. This almost forces you to use Dgraph in a typed manner instead of the older envision of a schema-less database. The predicates do get generated if you just provide the data, but the types and predicates those types include are not generated for you.

Node types are optional, but there are two use cases where actually knowing the list of potential predicates of a node is necessary:

  • deleting all the information about a node: this is the delete { <uid> * * . } mutation.
  • retrieving all the predicates of a given node: this is done using the expand(_all_) feature of DQL.

The Dgraph node types are used in those 2 use cases: when executing the delete all predicates mutation or the expand all query, Dgraph will check if the node has a dgraph.type predicate. If so, the engine is using the declared type to find the list of predicates and apply the delete or the expand on all of them.

When nodes have a type (i.e have a dgraph.type predicate), then you can use the function type() in queries.

Warning delete { <uid> * * . } will only delete the predicates declared in the type. You may have added other predicates by running DQL mutation on this node: the node may still exist after the operation if it holds predicates not declared in the node type. <>

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