I can't remove duplicates

Hello everyone.
I have a query that includes duplicates. At the same time, each duplicate has a different uid.
Please help me get rid of duplicates.
Thank you.

query qlink($uuid: string, $limit: int, $top_100_limit: int) {
    var(func: eq(uuid, "5961bd8b70914247a3cb2b4e9cdee838")) {
        we_may_know1 as ~HAS_CONTACT
        we_may_know2 as HAS_CONTACT
        target_uuid as uuid
    		# default_nickname as is_default_nickname
    qlinks as var(func: uid(we_may_know1, we_may_know2)) {
        links as count(HAS_CONTACT @filter(uid(we_may_know1, we_may_know2)))
        subs as count(~SUBSCRIBED @filter(uid(target_uuid)))
        in_block as count(BLACKLISTED @filter(uid(target_uuid)))
        out_block as count(~BLACKLISTED @filter(uid(target_uuid)))
        # default_nickname as is_default_nickname
    unig as var(func: uid(qlinks), orderdesc: val(links)) @filter(
        and not uid(target_uuid)
        and (NOT has(is_blocked) or eq(is_blocked, 0))
        and (NOT has(is_shadow_banned) or eq(is_shadow_banned, 0))
        and eq(val(in_block), 0)
        and eq(val(out_block), 0)
        and eq(val(subs), 0)
    res (func: uid(unig)) {


You mean other than standard deletion blocks?

  delete {
    <0x1234> * * .

That’s right. I don’t need to delete nodes. I need to get rid of duplicates in the request itself. Is it possible??

Are you saying you only want the first result (0x1166e) in the results and none of the others? Maybe “groupby”, see this thread: Remove Duplicates from Results