Graph databases are no relational databases. Still, my mind take some time to adapt.
Given the schema:
type A {
id ID
b [B]
Type B {
id ID
somedata String
c [C]
Type C {
somefilter Boolean
data String
How can I get those elements where A is choosen by id and C must match somefilter = true.
I know the GraphQL query would be like
query {queryA(filter: {id: 0x1}) {
b {
c (filter: {somefilter: {eq: true}}) {
but the problem is that elements get returned which satisfy the filter on A but may have no element B or element of type C. So the filters as a whole work like “outer joins”. Sure this can be fine but what if my filters in sum must match. Thus, what is the equivalent of an inner join?
btw. @cascade
only helps in those cases, where all the requested fields should be set.#
Does GraphQL provide this expressiveness? If not, does DQL?